Thursday, 6 September 2007

The Power Behind Personal Development

Author: Michael McGrath

The Power Behind Personal Development
A key concept in Personal Development involves
accountability or taking full responsibility. In a world
where "the blame game" rules supreme, this concept is hard
for many to grasp and even harder to implement.

From birth to the present day all of us have been bombarded
with negativity. Your parents raised you the best way they
could but in many ways this was like "the blind leading the
blind". They, as imperfect people, did an imperfect job.
Your teachers tried to direct you as best they could with a
flawed educational system as imperfect human beings also.
Peers, hurting from emotional traumas, ridiculed and
belittled you in the playground and beyond. Peer pressure
has left you with emotional scars that just won`t seem to

There are a thousand reasons that can be given for your
present position in life, your outlook and your lack of
belief in yourself. However, "a journey of a thousand miles
begins with a single step", Old Chinese Adage. In personal
development that single, and most important, step is
accountability or taking full responsibility for your life.
To begin your steps and journey on the path to success it
is of paramount importance to take accountability for the
decisions, actions and thoughts that have lead you to where
you currently are. You must stop blaming others for the way
you feel, for the state of your life and your
circumstances. Whatever has happened to you in the past,
both real and imagined, is in the past. Your power is
always in the present.

Not matter how hard you try or how much you moan, complain
and feel regretful you simple cannot change the past. You
must fully accept that it occurred and accept that you are
who you are now and you are where you are now because of
your own decisions and actions. Eliminate the need to blame
others, circumstances or your environment for your
problems. Take full responsibility for your life and you
will release within you your own infinite potential.

Playing the blame game gets you nowhere and strips you of
the ability to move forward. If others are to blame for
your current circumstances then how can you hope to change
these circumstances? If, on the other hand, it is you who
is fully responsible for your life then it is you who can
change it! No need to rely on the kind gestures of others
or the magnanimous offerings of you peers, you can take
control of the situation and direct it as you see fit. No
matter how hard you try you cannot control the actions of
others for any length of time and you cannot manipulate the
world to act in accordance with your wishes. Of course that
doesn't mean you can't change your personal world. It just
means you can't control the world or its occupants. You
must merely direct yourself along the flow of life and pick
a river that is running in the direction you want to go.

We are told in numerous religious teachings that we were
made in the image and likeness of The Creator. God-force
resides within each and everyone of us. This means we have
access to infinite resources and infinite power. Your
infinite power has expression in the physical world through
your decision or intention.

There is a desire within everyone to better their life.
This desire takes different forms and has different
objectives but we all have it. Many have been carrying
these desires their entire lives never getting close to
realising them. If we are all connected to the Source of
all things, being made in the likeness and image of our
Creator, where do you think that desire originates?

You would not be given desires and the yearning to better
yourself and your life if it were not possible to achieve
same. You were not put here to struggle. You came to
overcome challenges and to enjoy the journey of life. You
were given the tools to achieve anything you want and those
tools reside within you.

Start with ambition! Decide that you can and will reach
your goals because you now know that you are responsible
for the direction your life takes and no-one else.

Create a vision that will stoke the fires of your
enthusiasm. A vision that means something to only you.
Something you have always wanted to achieve, be or do. A
vision that lights your very soul when you think of it. Set
your intention to achieve it. You are responsible. This is
your vision for the future. This is the vision of your
perfect life.

Now set stepping stone goals. Goals that once achieved have
brought you that bit closer to your vision. Always set a
goal that will take some effort to achieve but that does
not seem so impossible that you will get discouraged and

Write down your vision and your goals. Make statements that
reflect positive outcomes as though they have already
happened i.e. "I am extremely grateful now that I own my
own successful business".

Never frame the statement in negative terms or in a way
that reflects the "wanting" of the goal. "Wanting" is a
confirmation of lack! When you want something you are
telling yourself that you don't have it!

Let's take an example - your vision states that you want
harmony in your home. You decide that the area you are
living in is having a negative affect on your children due
to their peers and environment. You decide that a good
stepping stone goal would be to move to a better area. In
order to do this you decide you need to find a better job
to pay for the house. To find a better job you may need to
go to night classes etc. Each goal should build the
previous one.

Let's return to the example of the house. You set one of
your stepping stone goals to buy a house in a better area,
let's call this area "The Keys". You would not state your
goal in negative terms i.e., "I don't want to live here
anymore" or place your goal in the future, i.e., "I will
live in a 5 bedroom house in The Keys". You would phrase it
positively and in the present, i.e., "I live in a 5 bedroom
house in The Keys".

Be sure to set a reasonable deadline for your goal. One
that will make you stretch to achieve it but that is not
totally unrealistic. As you progress in your own personal
development and begin to access and realise the true power
of your intentions and thoughts your deadlines can get
closer and your goals will get bigger. For example, "It is
[write future date] and I live in a 5 bedroom house in The

Read this statement twice a day. Morning and night.
Visualize your goal and then your vision as being real in
the here and now. In order to do this successfully you need
to get specific. The more specific your goal is, the faster
you will achieve it. What colour are the carpets in those 5
bedrooms? Is the entrance hall tiled? Perhaps you have
wooden floors. What size is the garden? Is there a garage?

Now that you have set your goal it is necessary to
calculate the best way of achieving it. Don't worry if you
can't think of a way of achieving your vision or the path
to your goal may be a little hazy at the minute. Taking
small steps will lead to other opportunities and a way will
be shown to you. However, for now let's assume you know how
to get to your goal. Set out small tasks that you can take
everyday that will bring you that little bit closer to your
objective. Schedule these steps. This is where a "one page
to one day" diary is invaluable. These small easy to manage
and perform tasks are the concrete on your road to success.
Take them everyday and you cannot fail to reach your goal.
As you progress your goals will get bigger, your deadlines
shorter, your diary fuller, your tasks more adventurous and
your life richer!

About the Author:

Michael operates
/ which tests & reviews personal development products & which tests & reviews
self improvement products.

Watch the Great Napoleon Hill himself! The author of the Worlds greatest book 'Think and Grow Rich'