Tuesday, 28 August 2007

Title: Keep On Going When Motivation and Momentum Dies

Author: Joe "The Coach" Torres

As a coach, it doesn't matter if my client's goal is to build abusiness, expand their business or is wants to increase their personal confidence, I have the same job which is to keep them moving forward. A lot of people in this world will do things spontaneously because of the moment, the situation or whatever. Usually thoseprojects or goals will fizzle out because it's not the individual's true desire. However, there are many people whohave a goal because it is a true desire. But sometimes the obstacles ahead can become too overwhelming that it ends up over shadowing the individual's ultimate goal. What to do when motivation and momentum dies while trying to accomplish your dream? First things first, you need to know that there is going to problems. They can be big problems or small problems but their problems nonetheless and there going to be a lot of them. The bigger the dream the more obstacles you're likely to face. Once you can accept the fact that their will be unexpected negative occurrences than you can at least get yourself gearedup and put yourself in the right mind frame to counter act those negative feelings that'll come with the obstacles. Secondly, you need to track your progress or lack there of. Thisis an important step for two reasons. First, the bigger the goal, the longer it'll be to realize. Somepeople are just so focused on the end result they can't see thelittle victories that one needs to complete in order to get tothe end result. It's an accumulation of all those little victories that'll eventually lead you to success. These little victories will help you realize that you're actually gainingsome ground, that you're making progress for your cause. This is something you need to realize and remember often especially during those times where you're at a stand still in accomplishing your goal. This will keep you going because at the very least,your pride will keep you from quitting because you recognize all the work you've done and you definitely don't want that to go towaste. Secondly, things don't work out because of one of two reasons.One, you have a goal that you really don't care much about ortwo; you're going about it the wrong way. Now if you still havepassion for you goal after time, little successes and littlefailures, then you know it's not the first reason. After acertain amount of time, and your strategy isn't working, thenyou need to switch it up. Make adjustments and tweak your strategy. That is a big reason why you need to track your progress. Thirdly, everything that's a success and a failure in this worldis due to habit. You need to make the responsibilities of completing this goal a daily thing or at least a regular thing.Once something becomes a habit, you end up doing it automatically. It becomes second nature to just go and do it.Developing a habit helps you make that decision to go for something full throttle. When you've made a decision and own it,without fail, you'll always find the time to do it. Always remember to... Accept that good and bad will happened during your journey Track your progress or lack there of Make your responsibilities as it pertains to your goal a habit. About the author:Joe Torres aka "Joe The Coach" is a success coach helping hisclients develop, evolve and reach their goals through individualand group coaching, teleseminars and training calls. He has avery popular newsletter called The Next Level, which you can acquire along with his services at http://www.joethecoach.com

Watch the Great Napoleon Hill himself! The author of the Worlds greatest book 'Think and Grow Rich'