How To Get Everything You Want Fast!
Author: Aniekan
Lesson One: Principle of Attraction We have heard about the law of attraction many times, but wenever truly understand it. In order to give it a scientifice xplanation, we have to have some basic knowledge of Quantum Physics. Quantum Physics is the study of the building block of the universe. Quantum Physics has proven that everything in this universe is made up of atoms, and atoms are made up ofsub-atomic particles sometimes called quanta. These sub-atomic particles are nothing but concentration of energy. It has become clear that everything in the universe is made upof energy. The only deference between an atom of lead and anatom of gold is that the atom of lead has energy that is vibrating at different frequency with the energy of gold. It isevidently clear that why the same particles growing together isbecause they are vibrating at the same frequency. Since everything is made up of energy, then what is thought?Thought is also energy vibrating at a particular frequency. Thishas been proven in the laboratories. With proper instruments,scientists can measure the frequency of the thoughts, or brainwaves. Now we should understand things do not just happen accidentally. Everything that happens in our life, happens for areason. The reason is within us. It is our own thoughts that created everything that we are having now. There is nocoincidence, there is no miracles, everything happened precisely according to the laws. Everything we have is attracted by ourown thoughts we are the creators. There is bad news and good news. The bad news is that we mayhave misused the law of attraction; as a result we hadexperienced many unwanted things in our lives. The good news isthat from now on, we can consciously attract anything we want effortlessly. The only thing we need to do is to send out the vibration of thoughts at the same frequency as the things wewant. All the rest will be taken care of by the law itself. Youwill be doing right things at the right time. What you want alsowant you. Like attracts likes. In summary, our thoughts are vibrating energy; we can create anything we want by focusing our thoughts on the very thing wewant. Everything else is taken care of by the law of attraction.We are what we think most of the time. How to apply the law of attraction? The simplest way to apply itis to hold a mental picture of what you desire as long aspossible and as often as possible. Feel that you already havewhat you want with certainty; you will see it quickly in yourreal life. For more article visit About the author: Aniekan Udodong is a social worker and Internent marketer, heProvides Internent Income Resources and Information to peoplewho are interested in making legitimate money online. HE publishbooks on Personal Growth & Development.