Author: TB Wright
You too can be inspired to live out your life dream, and in thesame way as Oprah Winfrey is living out her particular dream.All of our dreams may be different, but the way to achieve themis, was, and always will be, the same! What if you could findout what that way is? You could then take those steps necessaryto attain your goals.
What would happen then? What would happenis, you would begin to live out your own dream, regardless of what that dream is! How can you do this? This article willoutline the first five steps you must take in order to doexactly that living.
Then, in all the articles that will followthis one, more steps will be expounded upon, so that you cantake them and be coached for your success along the way. All this work puts the "C" into inspiration, so that it becomes"inspir-action!"© In this way you can "C" your way to takeaction, because without action, there is no inspiration.
Every article can be read alone, and other than this beginning one,the order you read them in is not important. The only importantthing is-to begin! Let's begin now. First step: Let go of "How?" You are at the bottom of a long staircase, and it's one that leads you to living out your dream.Look at it. It's a high journey, one that you can't see the end of. That's great! Why? Because if you already knew what actions would best get you there, you would have been carrying out that plan already. Along the way of going toward your goal you will find out what the best plan is, but first you have to commit to doing whatever it takes to reach your goal. We all have do this.That's the good news.
You don't have to see the end result yet,all you have to do is plan on what that result is, and then commit to it. For instance, your result could be a goodmarriage, or making a million dollars. How are you getting along with your spouse? What kinds of things are you doing? Do you smile at them? Do you say you love them? Or money goals. Have you gone to a financial planner yet? Do you allow yourself to becoached? Are you open to receiving more? Are you willing? Howmuch money do you have and what are you doing with it? These markers along the way will show you what you are really committed to.
Second Step: Create a model. What you also need to do is to say what you would like to achieve. This is concrete planning. Howmuch money do you want? What kind of relationship would you behappy with? This is the next step. You are now on it. At thebottom of the staircase you are like a child. Do we criticize children or get upset with them when they at first don't know how to walk? Of course not! We should treat ourselves with exactly the same courtesy.
We are on a path we have never been on before, so why should we expect ourselves to know how to proceed? Give that expectation up, and then climb up onto the first step, because not knowing "how" to do what you have never done before is important. In that way, every option that presents itself can be valuable for you in taking the next step.Every successful person from Henry Ford to Mother Teresa hasalways stated that when they began their incredible journeys they never knew how they were going to proceed and accomplish their goals either, only that they knew they would. That's commitment! I would imagine if you asked Oprah, she would saythe very same thing! The Third step: Take another step.
Realize that taking a step,any step, is your journey and accomplishment. Know that if youtake a "wrong" step or a "right" step, either way, you can usethe information for your success. If your step appears to haveled you to where you don't want to go, then what it has provided you is valuable information regarding what not to do anymore.Edison stated that he was happy he got to see 4,999 times, how not to create a light bulb, because on the 5000th time, he was successful! If you take a "right" step, then you cancongratulate yourself, and then keep on proceeding toward your goal fulfillment by taking the very next step. The Fourth Step: Know that you are already there.
Humans are so impatient! We set a goal and then want it right away. The big"end result." But goals and their fulfillment do not work thatway! We set goals, and then take the necessary steps to fulfill them, thinking that after our goals are completed, then we will be satisfied. But the path to our goals is where we spend mostof our time.
If we aren't satisfied along the way, going up the staircase, then how can we expect to be satisfied when we get to the top? We won't be, that is, unless our journey is satisfying along the way. Anxiety never supported anyone in achieving any goal, ever. That's why it's so important to pick a goal thatrequires you to fulfill tasks that you love. For instance, inany cherished avocation, the things you do to complete yourgoals in that career are things that you love to do.
Great! Dothose! I am a writer, and I love to write, regardless of whether I get published or not. Writing is enjoyable, fulfilling, andsatisfying for me, and out of that kind of energy, what happens?I get published! Has this goal of simply enjoying every minute Iwrite always been something I have done? Not hardly! It took along time, and a lot of practice, until I got to the point where simply giving one hundred percent to whatever I was doing was in and of itself, more important than goal fulfillment. The ironyis, that once I threw myself into whatever I was doing, my goals were reached so fast I had to make new ones! The Fifth Step: Trust. Trust that what you are doing is whatyou need to be doing.
Believe in yourself. How does one do that?There is a process for doing exactly that at the back of Be BAD!Do Good! How To Get What You Want In Spite Of Yourself! calledThe Loving Process© In a nutshell, it's about picking out those details you already love that are true about you and your life,and so expanding upon them that you experience the truth, which is that yes, no matter what, you do love yourself. It's sofreeing a process that self-trust and a strong belief in yourself happen out of it. You also have to trust that those actions you take, are those that will get you not only to where you want to go, but more importantly, are those actions that are in alignment with where you are.
Because where you are--your actions, your thoughts, your beliefs, what you are doing in this now moment, are the goal realized, no matter what that goal is. Stated another way, if you want a perfect, loving,relationship, then the love, the touches, the way you treat your partner, right now, are what are important than the end goal itself. This is because completing a goal takes a brief moment,yet working toward that goal takes most of the time.
So when you talk to them lovingly right now you are already there. For your millions, start a plan toward financial freedom right now,regardless of what it is, and there you go, one step taken on ahuge stair case that none of us may ever get to see the completion of anyway. But that's the good news if you live inthe suggested way here! If you are living the way you really want to be living, then you are so already "there" that goal completion actually becomes secondary to the way you are livingin this moment! Now that's the really good news! That you canhave it all, and you can have it all right now! In fact, there's no other way to have it all anyway! You go! TB Wright is the creator of The One Penny Millionaire!™ webbased seminar series, and the author of Be BAD! Do Good! How ToGet What You Want In Spite Of Yourself!
which is available "It all begins with One!"© About the author:About The Author For those of you who like credentials and history, Mr. Wrightprovides the following biographical data. "Degrees and pieces of paper aside, the only real success we canever have is in the creation of who we are, what we do, and whatwe manifest in every moment, from this moment on!" . . . TBWright, Author/Inventor. In addition to disseminating thetransformational seminar The One Penny Millionaire!™ throughoutthe wo
Positive Affirmations, Positive Thinking, The Law of Attraction and all Aspects of Self Help and Belief.
Thursday, 30 August 2007
Wednesday, 29 August 2007
How can I make my affirmations more effective?
Author: Jane Louise
Sometimes it might seem as though your affirmations may be ineffective, as though there is a missing piece. It is likelythat this has something to do with what is actually affirmed,which surprisingly is often not the affirmation that is stated.In fact, it is frequently the opposite.
Why is this? It is because within yourself, you do not yet believe that the affirmation is true, so you feel as though youare lying to yourself and therefore you negate what you have tried to affirm - and sometimes this leads to strengthening the negative instead!
Affirmations are merely statements, and until your mind accepts them as fact, they have very little positive power. The key,therefore, is to allow your mind to accept them as fact.
So how do we go about this? Instead of merely stating what youwish, eg "I choose to feel great!", you can reframe this affirmation into a question to yourself. For example, "How can Ifeel great about myself?", or "Why do I feel great about myself?".
This has two effects. Firstly it is still doing what you initially intended, that is, to affirm a positive message toyourself. Secondly it programs your mind to look for reasons tofeel great. Our minds love to solve questions.
You can see why this can make your affirmations far more powerful and effective. While you're not trying to convince yourmind of something that isn't true, you are also re-programming your thinking into a more positive frame, so that it has thepower to become truth.
Try this with your affirmations today, and see how effectivethey can become for you.
About the author:Get the Ultimate Affirmations Package! ClickHere!
Sometimes it might seem as though your affirmations may be ineffective, as though there is a missing piece. It is likelythat this has something to do with what is actually affirmed,which surprisingly is often not the affirmation that is stated.In fact, it is frequently the opposite.
Why is this? It is because within yourself, you do not yet believe that the affirmation is true, so you feel as though youare lying to yourself and therefore you negate what you have tried to affirm - and sometimes this leads to strengthening the negative instead!
Affirmations are merely statements, and until your mind accepts them as fact, they have very little positive power. The key,therefore, is to allow your mind to accept them as fact.
So how do we go about this? Instead of merely stating what youwish, eg "I choose to feel great!", you can reframe this affirmation into a question to yourself. For example, "How can Ifeel great about myself?", or "Why do I feel great about myself?".
This has two effects. Firstly it is still doing what you initially intended, that is, to affirm a positive message toyourself. Secondly it programs your mind to look for reasons tofeel great. Our minds love to solve questions.
You can see why this can make your affirmations far more powerful and effective. While you're not trying to convince yourmind of something that isn't true, you are also re-programming your thinking into a more positive frame, so that it has thepower to become truth.
Try this with your affirmations today, and see how effectivethey can become for you.
About the author:Get the Ultimate Affirmations Package! ClickHere!
Decision Making – The Answer is in the Coin
Author: Andrew Grant
Decision Making – The Answer is in the Coin
Every day we are faced with decisions. Most of them are
incredibly easy to make. Tea or coffee? Get up now, or
have another 10 minutes under the covers? Go shopping or
spend some time with friends. Those decisions take seconds
because the consequences of one course of action compared
to another are not life or income threatening. The stakes
are so low that we are happy to allow our instinct to make
the decision for us and in most cases those decisions are
absolutely fine for us.
But what happens when the stakes are a little higher?
Suddenly our decision making capability which is normally
so efficient and almost automatic, gets stalled and we find
ourselves agonizing over which way to go; wavering between
alternatives like a child trying to choose which candy to
spend a dime on.
What is it that turns us from slick decisive choosers into
dithering fools? The answer is simple. Fear.
Because these weightier decisions have potentially more
damaging consequences, our natural protection mechanisms
kick in and set off alarm bells, which say "Slow down, hold
on, don't rush into this". All of which is perfectly
normal and healthy, but the problems start when our fear
turns into procrastination and a complete inability to
decide even when all the facts are in front of us.
It is this fear and procrastination which, nine times out
of ten are responsible for preventing us making the
decisions that could change our lives for the better. We
get stuck in a rut of our own making and are too scared to
climb out.
So what can we do to break the deadlock and free up our
natural instincts for making good and healthy decisions?
Well, how about tossing a coin?
Now I know that sounds like the most reckless advice. Am I
suggesting that we throw our future open to fate and allow
every decision to be decided on the mere throw of a coin?
No of course not, but what I am suggesting is that the
throw of the coin is one sure way to catalyze your natural
decision making instinct out of its fearful slumber.
Let me explain. Imagine you are in a store and you plan to
buy a new TV. You have narrowed your choice down to two
models; they both have similar specifications and prices,
but one has an extra feature you like and the other has a
more pleasing design. You don't need two TV's right? So
you have to decide. But you just can't.
Now, imagine taking a coin from your pocket and throwing it
in the air. I can absolutely guarantee you that as soon as
that coin leaves your hand, long before it falls back down
into your palm again, you will know which TV you want to
buy. As soon as you told your brain that you were going to
take the decision out of its hands and let fate decide, it
suddenly found its voice again and tried to assert its
authority by shouting, "I hope it lands heads up".
You see, your brain already knows perfectly well which
decision to make but your protection mechanism has been
drowning it out. The simple expedient of introducing blind
fate into the equation is enough to break that pattern.
So next time you're facing a decision that you just can't
seem to make, try tossing a coin and give your brain a
About the Author:
Hi my name is Andrew Grant, I'd like to invite you to visit
my website and subscribe to my newsletter for more
information and inspiration on Goal Setting, Positive
Thinking and Internet Marketing. and-mind. com
Decision Making – The Answer is in the Coin
Every day we are faced with decisions. Most of them are
incredibly easy to make. Tea or coffee? Get up now, or
have another 10 minutes under the covers? Go shopping or
spend some time with friends. Those decisions take seconds
because the consequences of one course of action compared
to another are not life or income threatening. The stakes
are so low that we are happy to allow our instinct to make
the decision for us and in most cases those decisions are
absolutely fine for us.
But what happens when the stakes are a little higher?
Suddenly our decision making capability which is normally
so efficient and almost automatic, gets stalled and we find
ourselves agonizing over which way to go; wavering between
alternatives like a child trying to choose which candy to
spend a dime on.
What is it that turns us from slick decisive choosers into
dithering fools? The answer is simple. Fear.
Because these weightier decisions have potentially more
damaging consequences, our natural protection mechanisms
kick in and set off alarm bells, which say "Slow down, hold
on, don't rush into this". All of which is perfectly
normal and healthy, but the problems start when our fear
turns into procrastination and a complete inability to
decide even when all the facts are in front of us.
It is this fear and procrastination which, nine times out
of ten are responsible for preventing us making the
decisions that could change our lives for the better. We
get stuck in a rut of our own making and are too scared to
climb out.
So what can we do to break the deadlock and free up our
natural instincts for making good and healthy decisions?
Well, how about tossing a coin?
Now I know that sounds like the most reckless advice. Am I
suggesting that we throw our future open to fate and allow
every decision to be decided on the mere throw of a coin?
No of course not, but what I am suggesting is that the
throw of the coin is one sure way to catalyze your natural
decision making instinct out of its fearful slumber.
Let me explain. Imagine you are in a store and you plan to
buy a new TV. You have narrowed your choice down to two
models; they both have similar specifications and prices,
but one has an extra feature you like and the other has a
more pleasing design. You don't need two TV's right? So
you have to decide. But you just can't.
Now, imagine taking a coin from your pocket and throwing it
in the air. I can absolutely guarantee you that as soon as
that coin leaves your hand, long before it falls back down
into your palm again, you will know which TV you want to
buy. As soon as you told your brain that you were going to
take the decision out of its hands and let fate decide, it
suddenly found its voice again and tried to assert its
authority by shouting, "I hope it lands heads up".
You see, your brain already knows perfectly well which
decision to make but your protection mechanism has been
drowning it out. The simple expedient of introducing blind
fate into the equation is enough to break that pattern.
So next time you're facing a decision that you just can't
seem to make, try tossing a coin and give your brain a
About the Author:
Hi my name is Andrew Grant, I'd like to invite you to visit
my website and subscribe to my newsletter for more
information and inspiration on Goal Setting, Positive
Thinking and Internet Marketing. and-mind. com
NLP Concepts And Methods
Author: Scott White
Neuro Linguistic Programming or NLP is based upon the theory that we
see, feel, and react to the world around us due to our perceptions of the
world. This theory further expounds upon the concept that our
perceptions are molded by our value and belief systems, and our experiences,
and the conclusions we draw from them. The brain is where all of this
gets sorted to form our perceptions, but sometimes the information becomes
jumbled and that then jumbles our perceptions. The brain operates on
several levels, some of which are autonomous functions and some of which
are manual functions.
Neuro Linguistic Programming techniques seek to balance the information
from our value and belief systems and experiences against the reality
of the world around us, not just as we initially perceive that reality
to be. This is useful for changing problematic perceptions that inhibit
a person from seeing their purpose in the world and from finding any
joy from living. Jumbled perceptions can also limit a person from
reaching their goals of success and from forming loving relationships with
Mental disorders and criminal and addictive behaviors are also believed
to be in large part due to jumbled perceptions. NLP methods have been
shown to be helpful for a full range of emotional, social, and
workplace issues.
Another concept of Neuro Linguistic Programming is that we are not one
dimensional beings, but rather that we are three dimensional beings in
which our minds, bodies, and spirits work in conjunction as one, and
because the three have conjoined functioning, the health of one affects
the other two. Discussions about NLP can be hard to follow because of
the scientific and medical terms that are used. This has resulted in a
lot of misconceptions about it and consequently being reported as truths
on the subject.
Using various methods within Neuro Linguistic Programming a person can
learn how to imitate more positive perceptions. As the learning process
continues, imitation becomes habit and then it becomes a routine way
of perceiving the world as well as themself in a more positive light.
With NLP methods a person can learn to focus inward for the positive
energy forces that reside within each of us.
Some methods focus on the sensory aspects of our perceptions. The three
senses most often focused on in NLP training are sight, sound, and
touch. Verbal and nonverbal communications are the focus of other methods.
While still other Neuro Linguistic Programming methods focus in on
conscious and subconscious thought levels. The goal of any method is to
help a person to retrain their thinking, feeling, and responding actions
from negative to positive. The purpose for this is so that people can
live positively and experience positive thoughts from such living.
Further goals of NLP methods are intended to help people to unlock
tools they already posses to look at the challenges of life as life lessons
and not punishments, to realize that they are the actors that generate
the experiences they encounter in life, to achieve greater success and
to build lasting and meaningful relationships.
The full encyclopedia of Neuro Linguistic Programming concepts and
methods fills several volumes, and new volumes are added on a regular basis
as concepts and methods are found to be helpful in other areas.
Whether you have a professional interest in the subject or just a personal
curiosity, it is an intriguing field to say the least. Just reading some
of the plentiful materials on differnt concepts and methods broadens
your mind and hopefully inspires you to be more open to new concepts and
new ways to see and think.
Scott White is a certified personal trainer and nutritionist located in
Scottsdale, Arizona. For more information about nutrition and fitness,
reach Scott at:
Author: Scott White
Neuro Linguistic Programming or NLP is based upon the theory that we
see, feel, and react to the world around us due to our perceptions of the
world. This theory further expounds upon the concept that our
perceptions are molded by our value and belief systems, and our experiences,
and the conclusions we draw from them. The brain is where all of this
gets sorted to form our perceptions, but sometimes the information becomes
jumbled and that then jumbles our perceptions. The brain operates on
several levels, some of which are autonomous functions and some of which
are manual functions.
Neuro Linguistic Programming techniques seek to balance the information
from our value and belief systems and experiences against the reality
of the world around us, not just as we initially perceive that reality
to be. This is useful for changing problematic perceptions that inhibit
a person from seeing their purpose in the world and from finding any
joy from living. Jumbled perceptions can also limit a person from
reaching their goals of success and from forming loving relationships with
Mental disorders and criminal and addictive behaviors are also believed
to be in large part due to jumbled perceptions. NLP methods have been
shown to be helpful for a full range of emotional, social, and
workplace issues.
Another concept of Neuro Linguistic Programming is that we are not one
dimensional beings, but rather that we are three dimensional beings in
which our minds, bodies, and spirits work in conjunction as one, and
because the three have conjoined functioning, the health of one affects
the other two. Discussions about NLP can be hard to follow because of
the scientific and medical terms that are used. This has resulted in a
lot of misconceptions about it and consequently being reported as truths
on the subject.
Using various methods within Neuro Linguistic Programming a person can
learn how to imitate more positive perceptions. As the learning process
continues, imitation becomes habit and then it becomes a routine way
of perceiving the world as well as themself in a more positive light.
With NLP methods a person can learn to focus inward for the positive
energy forces that reside within each of us.
Some methods focus on the sensory aspects of our perceptions. The three
senses most often focused on in NLP training are sight, sound, and
touch. Verbal and nonverbal communications are the focus of other methods.
While still other Neuro Linguistic Programming methods focus in on
conscious and subconscious thought levels. The goal of any method is to
help a person to retrain their thinking, feeling, and responding actions
from negative to positive. The purpose for this is so that people can
live positively and experience positive thoughts from such living.
Further goals of NLP methods are intended to help people to unlock
tools they already posses to look at the challenges of life as life lessons
and not punishments, to realize that they are the actors that generate
the experiences they encounter in life, to achieve greater success and
to build lasting and meaningful relationships.
The full encyclopedia of Neuro Linguistic Programming concepts and
methods fills several volumes, and new volumes are added on a regular basis
as concepts and methods are found to be helpful in other areas.
Whether you have a professional interest in the subject or just a personal
curiosity, it is an intriguing field to say the least. Just reading some
of the plentiful materials on differnt concepts and methods broadens
your mind and hopefully inspires you to be more open to new concepts and
new ways to see and think.
Scott White is a certified personal trainer and nutritionist located in
Scottsdale, Arizona. For more information about nutrition and fitness,
reach Scott at:
Tuesday, 28 August 2007
How To Get Everything You Want Fast!
Author: Aniekan
Lesson One: Principle of Attraction We have heard about the law of attraction many times, but wenever truly understand it. In order to give it a scientifice xplanation, we have to have some basic knowledge of Quantum Physics. Quantum Physics is the study of the building block of the universe. Quantum Physics has proven that everything in this universe is made up of atoms, and atoms are made up ofsub-atomic particles sometimes called quanta. These sub-atomic particles are nothing but concentration of energy. It has become clear that everything in the universe is made upof energy. The only deference between an atom of lead and anatom of gold is that the atom of lead has energy that is vibrating at different frequency with the energy of gold. It isevidently clear that why the same particles growing together isbecause they are vibrating at the same frequency. Since everything is made up of energy, then what is thought?Thought is also energy vibrating at a particular frequency. Thishas been proven in the laboratories. With proper instruments,scientists can measure the frequency of the thoughts, or brainwaves. Now we should understand things do not just happen accidentally. Everything that happens in our life, happens for areason. The reason is within us. It is our own thoughts that created everything that we are having now. There is nocoincidence, there is no miracles, everything happened precisely according to the laws. Everything we have is attracted by ourown thoughts we are the creators. There is bad news and good news. The bad news is that we mayhave misused the law of attraction; as a result we hadexperienced many unwanted things in our lives. The good news isthat from now on, we can consciously attract anything we want effortlessly. The only thing we need to do is to send out the vibration of thoughts at the same frequency as the things wewant. All the rest will be taken care of by the law itself. Youwill be doing right things at the right time. What you want alsowant you. Like attracts likes. In summary, our thoughts are vibrating energy; we can create anything we want by focusing our thoughts on the very thing wewant. Everything else is taken care of by the law of attraction.We are what we think most of the time. How to apply the law of attraction? The simplest way to apply itis to hold a mental picture of what you desire as long aspossible and as often as possible. Feel that you already havewhat you want with certainty; you will see it quickly in yourreal life. For more article visit About the author: Aniekan Udodong is a social worker and Internent marketer, heProvides Internent Income Resources and Information to peoplewho are interested in making legitimate money online. HE publishbooks on Personal Growth & Development.
Author: Aniekan
Lesson One: Principle of Attraction We have heard about the law of attraction many times, but wenever truly understand it. In order to give it a scientifice xplanation, we have to have some basic knowledge of Quantum Physics. Quantum Physics is the study of the building block of the universe. Quantum Physics has proven that everything in this universe is made up of atoms, and atoms are made up ofsub-atomic particles sometimes called quanta. These sub-atomic particles are nothing but concentration of energy. It has become clear that everything in the universe is made upof energy. The only deference between an atom of lead and anatom of gold is that the atom of lead has energy that is vibrating at different frequency with the energy of gold. It isevidently clear that why the same particles growing together isbecause they are vibrating at the same frequency. Since everything is made up of energy, then what is thought?Thought is also energy vibrating at a particular frequency. Thishas been proven in the laboratories. With proper instruments,scientists can measure the frequency of the thoughts, or brainwaves. Now we should understand things do not just happen accidentally. Everything that happens in our life, happens for areason. The reason is within us. It is our own thoughts that created everything that we are having now. There is nocoincidence, there is no miracles, everything happened precisely according to the laws. Everything we have is attracted by ourown thoughts we are the creators. There is bad news and good news. The bad news is that we mayhave misused the law of attraction; as a result we hadexperienced many unwanted things in our lives. The good news isthat from now on, we can consciously attract anything we want effortlessly. The only thing we need to do is to send out the vibration of thoughts at the same frequency as the things wewant. All the rest will be taken care of by the law itself. Youwill be doing right things at the right time. What you want alsowant you. Like attracts likes. In summary, our thoughts are vibrating energy; we can create anything we want by focusing our thoughts on the very thing wewant. Everything else is taken care of by the law of attraction.We are what we think most of the time. How to apply the law of attraction? The simplest way to apply itis to hold a mental picture of what you desire as long aspossible and as often as possible. Feel that you already havewhat you want with certainty; you will see it quickly in yourreal life. For more article visit About the author: Aniekan Udodong is a social worker and Internent marketer, heProvides Internent Income Resources and Information to peoplewho are interested in making legitimate money online. HE publishbooks on Personal Growth & Development.
Title: Keep On Going When Motivation and Momentum Dies
Author: Joe "The Coach" Torres
As a coach, it doesn't matter if my client's goal is to build abusiness, expand their business or is wants to increase their personal confidence, I have the same job which is to keep them moving forward. A lot of people in this world will do things spontaneously because of the moment, the situation or whatever. Usually thoseprojects or goals will fizzle out because it's not the individual's true desire. However, there are many people whohave a goal because it is a true desire. But sometimes the obstacles ahead can become too overwhelming that it ends up over shadowing the individual's ultimate goal. What to do when motivation and momentum dies while trying to accomplish your dream? First things first, you need to know that there is going to problems. They can be big problems or small problems but their problems nonetheless and there going to be a lot of them. The bigger the dream the more obstacles you're likely to face. Once you can accept the fact that their will be unexpected negative occurrences than you can at least get yourself gearedup and put yourself in the right mind frame to counter act those negative feelings that'll come with the obstacles. Secondly, you need to track your progress or lack there of. Thisis an important step for two reasons. First, the bigger the goal, the longer it'll be to realize. Somepeople are just so focused on the end result they can't see thelittle victories that one needs to complete in order to get tothe end result. It's an accumulation of all those little victories that'll eventually lead you to success. These little victories will help you realize that you're actually gainingsome ground, that you're making progress for your cause. This is something you need to realize and remember often especially during those times where you're at a stand still in accomplishing your goal. This will keep you going because at the very least,your pride will keep you from quitting because you recognize all the work you've done and you definitely don't want that to go towaste. Secondly, things don't work out because of one of two reasons.One, you have a goal that you really don't care much about ortwo; you're going about it the wrong way. Now if you still havepassion for you goal after time, little successes and littlefailures, then you know it's not the first reason. After acertain amount of time, and your strategy isn't working, thenyou need to switch it up. Make adjustments and tweak your strategy. That is a big reason why you need to track your progress. Thirdly, everything that's a success and a failure in this worldis due to habit. You need to make the responsibilities of completing this goal a daily thing or at least a regular thing.Once something becomes a habit, you end up doing it automatically. It becomes second nature to just go and do it.Developing a habit helps you make that decision to go for something full throttle. When you've made a decision and own it,without fail, you'll always find the time to do it. Always remember to... Accept that good and bad will happened during your journey Track your progress or lack there of Make your responsibilities as it pertains to your goal a habit. About the author:Joe Torres aka "Joe The Coach" is a success coach helping hisclients develop, evolve and reach their goals through individualand group coaching, teleseminars and training calls. He has avery popular newsletter called The Next Level, which you can acquire along with his services at
Author: Joe "The Coach" Torres
As a coach, it doesn't matter if my client's goal is to build abusiness, expand their business or is wants to increase their personal confidence, I have the same job which is to keep them moving forward. A lot of people in this world will do things spontaneously because of the moment, the situation or whatever. Usually thoseprojects or goals will fizzle out because it's not the individual's true desire. However, there are many people whohave a goal because it is a true desire. But sometimes the obstacles ahead can become too overwhelming that it ends up over shadowing the individual's ultimate goal. What to do when motivation and momentum dies while trying to accomplish your dream? First things first, you need to know that there is going to problems. They can be big problems or small problems but their problems nonetheless and there going to be a lot of them. The bigger the dream the more obstacles you're likely to face. Once you can accept the fact that their will be unexpected negative occurrences than you can at least get yourself gearedup and put yourself in the right mind frame to counter act those negative feelings that'll come with the obstacles. Secondly, you need to track your progress or lack there of. Thisis an important step for two reasons. First, the bigger the goal, the longer it'll be to realize. Somepeople are just so focused on the end result they can't see thelittle victories that one needs to complete in order to get tothe end result. It's an accumulation of all those little victories that'll eventually lead you to success. These little victories will help you realize that you're actually gainingsome ground, that you're making progress for your cause. This is something you need to realize and remember often especially during those times where you're at a stand still in accomplishing your goal. This will keep you going because at the very least,your pride will keep you from quitting because you recognize all the work you've done and you definitely don't want that to go towaste. Secondly, things don't work out because of one of two reasons.One, you have a goal that you really don't care much about ortwo; you're going about it the wrong way. Now if you still havepassion for you goal after time, little successes and littlefailures, then you know it's not the first reason. After acertain amount of time, and your strategy isn't working, thenyou need to switch it up. Make adjustments and tweak your strategy. That is a big reason why you need to track your progress. Thirdly, everything that's a success and a failure in this worldis due to habit. You need to make the responsibilities of completing this goal a daily thing or at least a regular thing.Once something becomes a habit, you end up doing it automatically. It becomes second nature to just go and do it.Developing a habit helps you make that decision to go for something full throttle. When you've made a decision and own it,without fail, you'll always find the time to do it. Always remember to... Accept that good and bad will happened during your journey Track your progress or lack there of Make your responsibilities as it pertains to your goal a habit. About the author:Joe Torres aka "Joe The Coach" is a success coach helping hisclients develop, evolve and reach their goals through individualand group coaching, teleseminars and training calls. He has avery popular newsletter called The Next Level, which you can acquire along with his services at
Title: 6 Keys for Attaining and Maintaining a Positive Mental Attitude for Success
Author: Sean smith
Attaining a successful mindset is just like building the foundation for a house. If the foundation is strong, you can build whatever you like above ground. But if the foundation isweak, even the best house in the world is destined to collapse. The same thing is true with your mindset. If you have the rightmentality, you can build whatever life you wish. But if yourmental game is weak, your world will eventually collapse. Beloware six keys to building a positive mental foundation. Take 100% responsibility in your life. Jack Canfield teaches theequation E (event) + R (response) = O (outcome). You generallyhave no control over the external events in your life. However,you have 100% control over your response to that event. Respondwisely. Stop making excuses. You are not a victim. Choose to be positive. Every day you have the choice to view theworld through a positive filter or a negative filter - it'scompletely up to you. Successful people choose to be positive,always looking for the lesson in every challenge. Unsuccessful people choose to be negative, always believing the forces of evil are out to get them. Whichever choice you make, you willalways find what you're looking for. Put yourself in the best environments. Success is contagious.It's just like chicken pox - the only way to catch them is tohang around other people with chicken pox. When you surround yourself with people who support and stretch you as a person,it's impossible to stay as you are. Just as water seeks its ownlevel, you too will grow or shrink depending on the environments you choose. Erase from your vocabulary the word "failure". Failure existsonly in your mind. There is no such thing as failure. It can'tbe seen. It can't be touched. It can't be heard. It is merely aninterpretation, or a negative opinion, that someone makes aboutan outcome. Successful people, however, know that in life youeither win or you learn. You never lose - unless you quit. Be a true leader. Regardless of your circumstances, somebody looks up to you, which makes you a leader. So lead. Contrary towhat many people think, you don't need superhuman strength orincredible talent to be a leader. You just have to be willing tohelp other people achieve what they want and feel good about themselves. The most powerful phrase you can use as a leader is,"I believe in you." Reprogram your brain for success. To combat all the negative programming you're experiencing through the media, your peers,friends and family, it is imperative that you feed yourself constant, positive affirmations. The subconscious mind believes whatever it's told, regardless of the source. So replace all there strictive, negative thoughts with empowering, positive ones.Tell yourself, "I am somebody. I have places to go. I have bigthings to do." Before long, you'll believe it to be true. Whenyou believe it, you can achieve it. About the author:Sean Smith, founder of MVP Success Systems Inc., is a speaker,author and Certified Master Results Coach who says "The real question is not, 'Why don't I know what to do?' The real question you should be asking yourself is, 'Why don't I do whatI know?' Sean helps entrepreneurs identify and destroy those innerobstacles that are limiting your achievement and holding youback, so that you can start attracting outrageous success and
Attaining a successful mindset is just like building the foundation for a house. If the foundation is strong, you can build whatever you like above ground. But if the foundation isweak, even the best house in the world is destined to collapse. The same thing is true with your mindset. If you have the rightmentality, you can build whatever life you wish. But if yourmental game is weak, your world will eventually collapse. Beloware six keys to building a positive mental foundation. Take 100% responsibility in your life. Jack Canfield teaches theequation E (event) + R (response) = O (outcome). You generallyhave no control over the external events in your life. However,you have 100% control over your response to that event. Respondwisely. Stop making excuses. You are not a victim. Choose to be positive. Every day you have the choice to view theworld through a positive filter or a negative filter - it'scompletely up to you. Successful people choose to be positive,always looking for the lesson in every challenge. Unsuccessful people choose to be negative, always believing the forces of evil are out to get them. Whichever choice you make, you willalways find what you're looking for. Put yourself in the best environments. Success is contagious.It's just like chicken pox - the only way to catch them is tohang around other people with chicken pox. When you surround yourself with people who support and stretch you as a person,it's impossible to stay as you are. Just as water seeks its ownlevel, you too will grow or shrink depending on the environments you choose. Erase from your vocabulary the word "failure". Failure existsonly in your mind. There is no such thing as failure. It can'tbe seen. It can't be touched. It can't be heard. It is merely aninterpretation, or a negative opinion, that someone makes aboutan outcome. Successful people, however, know that in life youeither win or you learn. You never lose - unless you quit. Be a true leader. Regardless of your circumstances, somebody looks up to you, which makes you a leader. So lead. Contrary towhat many people think, you don't need superhuman strength orincredible talent to be a leader. You just have to be willing tohelp other people achieve what they want and feel good about themselves. The most powerful phrase you can use as a leader is,"I believe in you." Reprogram your brain for success. To combat all the negative programming you're experiencing through the media, your peers,friends and family, it is imperative that you feed yourself constant, positive affirmations. The subconscious mind believes whatever it's told, regardless of the source. So replace all there strictive, negative thoughts with empowering, positive ones.Tell yourself, "I am somebody. I have places to go. I have bigthings to do." Before long, you'll believe it to be true. Whenyou believe it, you can achieve it. About the author:Sean Smith, founder of MVP Success Systems Inc., is a speaker,author and Certified Master Results Coach who says "The real question is not, 'Why don't I know what to do?' The real question you should be asking yourself is, 'Why don't I do whatI know?' Sean helps entrepreneurs identify and destroy those innerobstacles that are limiting your achievement and holding youback, so that you can start attracting outrageous success and
Monday, 27 August 2007
Ford car insurance
Henry Ford had a dream, a dream that became reality. He wanted to provide affordable motoring to the masses. This he did by implementing the first car production line. The Ford Car range itself has mass appeal, mainly due to the quality and the price. Due to the volume of cars built, prices are kept low giving you more car for your money. This is
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Growing Through Emotions
Author: Jim Biscardi
There seems to be one thing that consistently arises for the
home business owner to thwart his or her dreams of successfully
growing their home business. That one thing is emotions. It
seems that when the home business owner is faced with the
reality of achieving great success, then emotions can come up to
delay or eliminate your opportunities. You can experience
different emotions that can make you scared of failure as well
as success.
Some home business owners say that they want to grow their
business but give the excuse of having no time or of being too
busy. When some of these business owners begin working with a
coach or look for self-improvement techniques to fee up time in
order to grow their home business, they become scared. All of a
sudden these entrepreneurs find that they have the time and know
what they must do to grow their business, but for a variety of
reasons they do not follow through. For various reasons, they
create situations in their business that draws them back into
the daily activities of their business and they finds themselves
turning away from actually trying to grow their home business.
They actually create self-sabotaging techniques.
This is completely normal, and with some help you can quickly
step through this. There are self-improvement courses and
coaches available that will help home business owners grow
through these different emotions. When you are your own boss
there is not one to be accountable to. When you work with a
coach or make use of self-improvement courses, then you have
someone or something else to be accountable to. You will find
that you will be able to work through your emotions that are
sabotaging your efforts to grow your home business.
Emotions can empower you and can be the secret to your business
growth. If you see that a business is growing, you can bet that
the home business owner went through a period of significant
personal growth. If you are the owner of your own business, then
you must first grow in order for your business to grow. You must
focus on areas in your life where you can experience
self-improvement and personal growth, and then you will find
that your business will continue to grow. Find out your most
vulnerable areas in terms of knowledge and skill. Then set about
improving these areas yourself. You can do this with the help of
mentors or coaches, a business growth specialist or
self-improvement courses.
The skill set as well as the emotions you have running your
business right now will be different from those you will need in
order to grow your home business. In order to control and grow
through some of these emotions blocks you must have: very good
self-esteem, a burning desire for success, the knowledge and
skill on just how you are to be successful and excellent
As you can see, self-improvement and growing your home business
go hand-in-hand.
About The Author: Jim Biscardi is owner of Dynamic Wealth
Systems, LLC and writes on a variety of subjects. To learn more
about this topic Jim recommends you visit:
Author: Jim Biscardi
There seems to be one thing that consistently arises for the
home business owner to thwart his or her dreams of successfully
growing their home business. That one thing is emotions. It
seems that when the home business owner is faced with the
reality of achieving great success, then emotions can come up to
delay or eliminate your opportunities. You can experience
different emotions that can make you scared of failure as well
as success.
Some home business owners say that they want to grow their
business but give the excuse of having no time or of being too
busy. When some of these business owners begin working with a
coach or look for self-improvement techniques to fee up time in
order to grow their home business, they become scared. All of a
sudden these entrepreneurs find that they have the time and know
what they must do to grow their business, but for a variety of
reasons they do not follow through. For various reasons, they
create situations in their business that draws them back into
the daily activities of their business and they finds themselves
turning away from actually trying to grow their home business.
They actually create self-sabotaging techniques.
This is completely normal, and with some help you can quickly
step through this. There are self-improvement courses and
coaches available that will help home business owners grow
through these different emotions. When you are your own boss
there is not one to be accountable to. When you work with a
coach or make use of self-improvement courses, then you have
someone or something else to be accountable to. You will find
that you will be able to work through your emotions that are
sabotaging your efforts to grow your home business.
Emotions can empower you and can be the secret to your business
growth. If you see that a business is growing, you can bet that
the home business owner went through a period of significant
personal growth. If you are the owner of your own business, then
you must first grow in order for your business to grow. You must
focus on areas in your life where you can experience
self-improvement and personal growth, and then you will find
that your business will continue to grow. Find out your most
vulnerable areas in terms of knowledge and skill. Then set about
improving these areas yourself. You can do this with the help of
mentors or coaches, a business growth specialist or
self-improvement courses.
The skill set as well as the emotions you have running your
business right now will be different from those you will need in
order to grow your home business. In order to control and grow
through some of these emotions blocks you must have: very good
self-esteem, a burning desire for success, the knowledge and
skill on just how you are to be successful and excellent
As you can see, self-improvement and growing your home business
go hand-in-hand.
About The Author: Jim Biscardi is owner of Dynamic Wealth
Systems, LLC and writes on a variety of subjects. To learn more
about this topic Jim recommends you visit:
The Secret Is There Is No Secret
Diane Corriette
For years many of us have been working towards goals that never
come to anything, or wanting to achieve something that just
keeps eluding us.
At first we journey down the road called "blame" - after all
it's easier to believe that some one or some thing is
responsible for us not achieving what we set out to do.
Then one day comes the realization that blame achieves nothing
and that looking at how we are responsible for the results we
produce in our life is a more powerful method.
After that realization we may then begin to look at those
people who have achieved our interpretation of success and
wonder what their "secret" must be.
If they managed to focus on and create success from a goal they
set themselves, why not you?
If you want to give up smoking why can't that happen for you?
If you want to attain success in business, why can't that happen
for you?
If you are looking for the partner of your dreams, why
shouldn't you find yours?
And so a search begins in books, audios, DVDs, seminars,
workshops, more seminars!
For some people the search for whatever they believe the
"secret" is continues for years, thousands spent on their
personal development and still life sucks!
So firstly let me help you end the search because you will not
believe this but what you have been looking for is right before
your eyes, you have been searching for something that has been
in front of you the whole time. You have been searching for
Seminars, audios, books, mentors, life coaches – these are all
fantastic tools that I highly recommend to anyone working
towards success but ultimately you must begin to trust in your
ability, your own judgement and stop believing that these tools
know more about you than you do yourself.
The secret is…….There is no secret. Everything we need we
already have. The question is can you trust your own judgement
enough to believe that?
About The Author: Diane Corriette runs Women Internet Marketers and is the author of the
ebook "The Secret Is….. There Is NO Secret!" available at How To
For years many of us have been working towards goals that never
come to anything, or wanting to achieve something that just
keeps eluding us.
At first we journey down the road called "blame" - after all
it's easier to believe that some one or some thing is
responsible for us not achieving what we set out to do.
Then one day comes the realization that blame achieves nothing
and that looking at how we are responsible for the results we
produce in our life is a more powerful method.
After that realization we may then begin to look at those
people who have achieved our interpretation of success and
wonder what their "secret" must be.
If they managed to focus on and create success from a goal they
set themselves, why not you?
If you want to give up smoking why can't that happen for you?
If you want to attain success in business, why can't that happen
for you?
If you are looking for the partner of your dreams, why
shouldn't you find yours?
And so a search begins in books, audios, DVDs, seminars,
workshops, more seminars!
For some people the search for whatever they believe the
"secret" is continues for years, thousands spent on their
personal development and still life sucks!
So firstly let me help you end the search because you will not
believe this but what you have been looking for is right before
your eyes, you have been searching for something that has been
in front of you the whole time. You have been searching for
Seminars, audios, books, mentors, life coaches – these are all
fantastic tools that I highly recommend to anyone working
towards success but ultimately you must begin to trust in your
ability, your own judgement and stop believing that these tools
know more about you than you do yourself.
The secret is…….There is no secret. Everything we need we
already have. The question is can you trust your own judgement
enough to believe that?
About The Author: Diane Corriette runs Women Internet Marketers and is the author of the
ebook "The Secret Is….. There Is NO Secret!" available at How To
What You Need Before You Are Motivated
Maurine Patten
What You Need Before You Are Motivated
It is wonderful to feel motivated. It makes the task at
hand, whatever it is, easier to accomplish. Your energy
level increases, and you feel enthusiastic about what you
are doing. There is a sense of excitement about what you
are doing which makes it easier for you to focus on the
In contrast, you probably have had times of feeling
unmotivated. Maybe it had to do with going to work,
completing a class, meeting someone for lunch or doing the
dishes. Sometimes it is a fleeting feeling; other times,
it might last for days or weeks.
While different people are motivated by a variety of
things, there are three decisions you can make that will
help you be fully motivated. Decide to:
1. Be self-disciplined. When you are self-disciplined, you
build self-respect. This self-respect, in turn, builds
trust in your own ability. When you trust yourself, you
are more confident and less anxious about what you are
doing. When you are calmer, it is easier to focus on a
task. If things get difficult as you move forward, you
will have the patience to persevere.
2. Eliminate any limiting beliefs about yourself or the
goal. Motivation comes from thoughts. You can only pursue
what you think you deserve. Negative, self-doubting or
undeserving thoughts are limiting and drain your energy.
They must be removed because they can become a
self-fulfilling prophecy.
3. Focus on the long-term result or outcome you want. For
instance, when you are thinking about what you want, asking
yourself, "How do I get what I want?" is not helpful. This
is a question about the process or the action steps
required to get what you want. This question inevitably
slows you down. Instead, if you ask, "What outcome or
result do I want?" you will clarify what you need to do.
Focusing on the result you want helps you to break your
goal down into manageable steps.
If you find it difficult to make one or more of the above
decisions, the following options are small, beginning steps
you can take to move you in the right direction:
• Choose behaviors that match your words.
• Learn to say "no" to yourself when necessary.
• Visualize attaining the results or outcome you want in
color (not the steps it took to get there); notice how you
feel, look and sound.
• Decide to overcome the discomfort of short-term
frustration or pain by focusing on the long-term results
you want.
• Believe in your ability to learn and change.
As you think about specific areas of your life in which you
want to feel more motivated, which decisions are easy for
you to make and which are more of a challenge? Remember, a
challenge is an opportunity for you to become the person
you want to be. My hope is that you will be motivated to
do the things that are most important to you.
About the Author:
Maurine Patten, Ed.D., CMC, Maximize Your Possibilities
More free information, EI and pre-retirement assessment,
and ezine subscription at http://www.PattenCo
What You Need Before You Are Motivated
It is wonderful to feel motivated. It makes the task at
hand, whatever it is, easier to accomplish. Your energy
level increases, and you feel enthusiastic about what you
are doing. There is a sense of excitement about what you
are doing which makes it easier for you to focus on the
In contrast, you probably have had times of feeling
unmotivated. Maybe it had to do with going to work,
completing a class, meeting someone for lunch or doing the
dishes. Sometimes it is a fleeting feeling; other times,
it might last for days or weeks.
While different people are motivated by a variety of
things, there are three decisions you can make that will
help you be fully motivated. Decide to:
1. Be self-disciplined. When you are self-disciplined, you
build self-respect. This self-respect, in turn, builds
trust in your own ability. When you trust yourself, you
are more confident and less anxious about what you are
doing. When you are calmer, it is easier to focus on a
task. If things get difficult as you move forward, you
will have the patience to persevere.
2. Eliminate any limiting beliefs about yourself or the
goal. Motivation comes from thoughts. You can only pursue
what you think you deserve. Negative, self-doubting or
undeserving thoughts are limiting and drain your energy.
They must be removed because they can become a
self-fulfilling prophecy.
3. Focus on the long-term result or outcome you want. For
instance, when you are thinking about what you want, asking
yourself, "How do I get what I want?" is not helpful. This
is a question about the process or the action steps
required to get what you want. This question inevitably
slows you down. Instead, if you ask, "What outcome or
result do I want?" you will clarify what you need to do.
Focusing on the result you want helps you to break your
goal down into manageable steps.
If you find it difficult to make one or more of the above
decisions, the following options are small, beginning steps
you can take to move you in the right direction:
• Choose behaviors that match your words.
• Learn to say "no" to yourself when necessary.
• Visualize attaining the results or outcome you want in
color (not the steps it took to get there); notice how you
feel, look and sound.
• Decide to overcome the discomfort of short-term
frustration or pain by focusing on the long-term results
you want.
• Believe in your ability to learn and change.
As you think about specific areas of your life in which you
want to feel more motivated, which decisions are easy for
you to make and which are more of a challenge? Remember, a
challenge is an opportunity for you to become the person
you want to be. My hope is that you will be motivated to
do the things that are most important to you.
About the Author:
Maurine Patten, Ed.D., CMC, Maximize Your Possibilities
More free information, EI and pre-retirement assessment,
and ezine subscription at http://www.PattenCo
Sunday, 26 August 2007
Debit Consolidation
Debit Consolidation is big business today! Debt Consolidation Companies are now falling over themselves to gain your custom. Years ago, it was unheard of for a bank to loan you money to pay off existing debts but fortunately attitudes have changed dramatically over the last couple of decades. Being in debt today is completely normal, the majority
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Saturday, 25 August 2007
How to Have Massive Success Fast
Author: Joshua Uebergang
Excuse me for the cliche title. However, I believe it's fitting because
these principles I feel really are the secrets to having massive
success and having it fast.
Most experienced people in their area of expertise know of these
principles. The first principle is: The best way to learn is to do it, screw
up, and screw up fast. (The screwing up is optional but almost
Here's the thing. I just had a little reminder of this principle
recently. I love playing basketball and take it pretty seriously.
I had to referee 4 games with zero refereeing experience and zero
refereeing training. I have no skills refereeing; I'm a player. Most players
at almost any sport really don't have a clue as to what's going on. We
just love to complain to the referee about a few calls and pretend we
know what's going on. We have no idea about how to run a game, just the
basics about what is an illegal play.
I was freaking out about refereeing the games as I don't even know how
to run a game as a ref like substituting players on, how to call fouls,
how to call time outs, and the most basic stuff! ha! I had to ref
because the tournament organizer (my coach), made all his players ref to
help fundraise an event for the next month. He ignored my plea to be
released from the torture of having no experience. Here I was thrown in the
deep end.
Fortunately, the first game wasn't to bad. I had a girls game (and an
experienced ref with me) and think the players mostly just respected
what I did (nothing) because I'm 3 times their size.
I learned from this is if you have someone experienced by your side,
they know what to expect and can guide you. This is the part where you
get someone who has experience, and help them guide you during the
unknown. It's the view where your inexperience needs to be "made up" by
someone else otherwise you'll run into future problems.
New corporations that do great just about always employ a board of
directors or fill other important positions with those who have experience.
Get a mentor or just talk with those who have experience in areas you
don't. Let them guide you because you've never gone down that path
while they likely have. This is a huge secret to succeeding fast.
As I said before, screw up and screw up fast. I sure did (it wasn't
that bad) as I missed a few obvious calls like one girl who should have
gotten the charge as she was planted and was trampled over (silly ref :)
). I learned for the next games which were more important. A later game
I called my first charge which was great.
I stayed pretty quite that first game but made my first call (after
having observed the other ref, what you exactly do. ha!) which was nerve
raking. Like almost all fears, I had blown it out of proportion. I made
the call and everyone just accepted it. What was I expecting? ... to be
yelled at of course.
Maybe you have a fear of being laughed at when writing a book (this was
a big one for me), breaking the habitual pattern of 9-5, or jumping on
the new diet. It's likely the fear is attempting to protect you, but
I'm betting you're letting it build a 5 metre concrete wall around you
such that you're immobile.
The third game was a joke. I had to ref in front of 200+ students (it
was a college game) who were standing one inch away from the sideline
the entire game. The teams each had a side of the court to their own.
Most of the game they were yelling abuse at each other. Why the heck was I
reffing the biggest game of the night? I had no experience prior to
the night and no training.
After doing that game, the following game was easy simply because it
was contrasted against the third one and it just seemed easy.
You're going to have those real tough moments when starting a diet,
setting up a business, or trying to get a promotion, but get past them,
and it just seems easy from then on in - even though it may not actually
be that easy. For the future, you'll have the pride and confidence
knowing that you underwent those moments and they can fuel you to overcome
your current problem.
There is no way I could have learned so fast if I hadn't been thrown in
the deep end. So... why not jump in? Come join me. It may be cold and
deep but you can float and move around. You'll live.
Joshua Uebergang is a motivational communication skills expert. You can
sign-up to his free newsletter and visit his site to learn more about
becoming successful by visiting:
Excuse me for the cliche title. However, I believe it's fitting because
these principles I feel really are the secrets to having massive
success and having it fast.
Most experienced people in their area of expertise know of these
principles. The first principle is: The best way to learn is to do it, screw
up, and screw up fast. (The screwing up is optional but almost
Here's the thing. I just had a little reminder of this principle
recently. I love playing basketball and take it pretty seriously.
I had to referee 4 games with zero refereeing experience and zero
refereeing training. I have no skills refereeing; I'm a player. Most players
at almost any sport really don't have a clue as to what's going on. We
just love to complain to the referee about a few calls and pretend we
know what's going on. We have no idea about how to run a game, just the
basics about what is an illegal play.
I was freaking out about refereeing the games as I don't even know how
to run a game as a ref like substituting players on, how to call fouls,
how to call time outs, and the most basic stuff! ha! I had to ref
because the tournament organizer (my coach), made all his players ref to
help fundraise an event for the next month. He ignored my plea to be
released from the torture of having no experience. Here I was thrown in the
deep end.
Fortunately, the first game wasn't to bad. I had a girls game (and an
experienced ref with me) and think the players mostly just respected
what I did (nothing) because I'm 3 times their size.
I learned from this is if you have someone experienced by your side,
they know what to expect and can guide you. This is the part where you
get someone who has experience, and help them guide you during the
unknown. It's the view where your inexperience needs to be "made up" by
someone else otherwise you'll run into future problems.
New corporations that do great just about always employ a board of
directors or fill other important positions with those who have experience.
Get a mentor or just talk with those who have experience in areas you
don't. Let them guide you because you've never gone down that path
while they likely have. This is a huge secret to succeeding fast.
As I said before, screw up and screw up fast. I sure did (it wasn't
that bad) as I missed a few obvious calls like one girl who should have
gotten the charge as she was planted and was trampled over (silly ref :)
). I learned for the next games which were more important. A later game
I called my first charge which was great.
I stayed pretty quite that first game but made my first call (after
having observed the other ref, what you exactly do. ha!) which was nerve
raking. Like almost all fears, I had blown it out of proportion. I made
the call and everyone just accepted it. What was I expecting? ... to be
yelled at of course.
Maybe you have a fear of being laughed at when writing a book (this was
a big one for me), breaking the habitual pattern of 9-5, or jumping on
the new diet. It's likely the fear is attempting to protect you, but
I'm betting you're letting it build a 5 metre concrete wall around you
such that you're immobile.
The third game was a joke. I had to ref in front of 200+ students (it
was a college game) who were standing one inch away from the sideline
the entire game. The teams each had a side of the court to their own.
Most of the game they were yelling abuse at each other. Why the heck was I
reffing the biggest game of the night? I had no experience prior to
the night and no training.
After doing that game, the following game was easy simply because it
was contrasted against the third one and it just seemed easy.
You're going to have those real tough moments when starting a diet,
setting up a business, or trying to get a promotion, but get past them,
and it just seems easy from then on in - even though it may not actually
be that easy. For the future, you'll have the pride and confidence
knowing that you underwent those moments and they can fuel you to overcome
your current problem.
There is no way I could have learned so fast if I hadn't been thrown in
the deep end. So... why not jump in? Come join me. It may be cold and
deep but you can float and move around. You'll live.
Joshua Uebergang is a motivational communication skills expert. You can
sign-up to his free newsletter and visit his site to learn more about
becoming successful by visiting:
How to Build Self Esteem the Right Way
Written By: Richard Kuhns B.S.Ch. E. NGH certified
Building self esteem is done one of two ways. Unfortunately most of us
do it the wrong way.
John was referred to me by his psychologist for relaxation and
motivation. John was seeing the psychologist for building self esteem and self
image and at the age of 28 felt that he was losing ground. This feeling
of "losing out" contributed to his level of anxiety which made him
tense and irritable.
John's psychologist's devised a program for building self esteem. He
had John focus on acquiring technical training to develop a skill.
Of all possible skills, John choose to become a technician in a metal
shop and enrolled in a program. Even though everything he was shown in
class made sense, when it came to test time, his level of anxiety
interfered with his ability to obtain respectable, much less passing grades.
He was in jeopardy of failing when he was referred to me.
The psychologist's approach was the typical, "accomplish something,
acquire something," and you'll be building self esteem. Yes, it's the
approach used nearly 100% of all programs for overcoming low self esteem
that I've seen. You are supposed to be able to overcome low self esteem
by getting better at something.
Unfortunately, this is a "catch 22" approach--a set-up for failure. I'm
not saying that everyone who uses this approach fails to accomplish
the goal of acquiring a skill or educational level, but this approach
does not build self worth or self esteem. It's a set up for failure.
Building self esteem is a myth with this approach.
Look around. Most of your friends, family, and acquaintances have been
building self esteem based on their accomplishments and acquisitions.
Unfortunately, the person who overcomes low self esteem and builds it
• on his fortune, often commits suicide when his portfolio is lost
in the stock market crash.
•on the love of his wife may become depressed and acquires
life-threatening cancer within 2 years of her passing and then dies himself
even though he was in fine health prior to her passing.
•on his position in life often becomes depressed and acquires a
life threatening disease within 2 years of his retirement and dies.
•on his social contacts and accomplishments may develop anxiety
panic attack when he moves to another part of the country.
•on his physical skills becomes has a greater chance of getting
seriously depressed and likewise may acquire a life threatening disease
when he has an incapacitating accident or is replaced by younger,
stronger athlete.
And we can go on and on. For each person building self esteem based on
an accomplishment, an ability, physical appearance, and so on, he/she
feels good about himself/herself for as long as his/her skills,
abilities, and accomplishments remain in tact. Yet when their skills,
relationships, accomplishments and so on change, they lose themselves in the
process. Is this self-worth? No, it's "things' worth," not self-worth.
In the face of all adversity and loss, the person who has truly been
building self esteem does not lose himself, but by knowing his true
value, is able to adapt and change to all life circumstances.
Back to John: It was indeed a challenge getting John out of his failure
path. More so because the psychologist set him up for failure--the
psychologist actually set the path for him to stay stuck with low self
esteem. Eventually he got up the hill and over the crest. He learned to
overcome his low self esteem, not by graduating machine shop school
(although he did), but by learning to deal successfully with life's
challenges and to like himself in the face of disappointment.
Building self esteem the right way is from self involves asking
questions. What is missing here? Why with so many programs for building self
esteem is it still a crisis? It is clearly insane to teach one to obtain
self esteem from his/her accomplishments.
It's also to realize that:
• Comparing ourselves to anyone else is to kill self esteem
• Some of our best laid plans will simply fall through.
• We are emotional beings and rather than be ruled by our emotions we
can acknowledge them and move through them.
• We each are a child of the universe deserving of feeling good about
ourselves regardless of what we do or don't do.
• We only feel less about ourselves because of what we've learned to
• Love of our physical, emotional, and spiritual self is deserved and
until we can love ourselves, it's unlikely that another can love us.
• Egotistical people really don't love themselves.
Building self esteem from self so that you even like yourself on a “bad
hair day” (when your fail to accomplish the goal) produces real
How to Build Self Esteem the Right Way © Copyright 2007 Richard Kuhns
Resource Box:
Richard Kuhns B.S.Ch.E., NGH certified is a prominent figure in the
field of stress management and personal change. He aims to redefine how we
build self esteem. To find out more please visit
<----- Article Ends Here ----->
This article was auto-submitted by the author with ease using:
Building self esteem is done one of two ways. Unfortunately most of us
do it the wrong way.
John was referred to me by his psychologist for relaxation and
motivation. John was seeing the psychologist for building self esteem and self
image and at the age of 28 felt that he was losing ground. This feeling
of "losing out" contributed to his level of anxiety which made him
tense and irritable.
John's psychologist's devised a program for building self esteem. He
had John focus on acquiring technical training to develop a skill.
Of all possible skills, John choose to become a technician in a metal
shop and enrolled in a program. Even though everything he was shown in
class made sense, when it came to test time, his level of anxiety
interfered with his ability to obtain respectable, much less passing grades.
He was in jeopardy of failing when he was referred to me.
The psychologist's approach was the typical, "accomplish something,
acquire something," and you'll be building self esteem. Yes, it's the
approach used nearly 100% of all programs for overcoming low self esteem
that I've seen. You are supposed to be able to overcome low self esteem
by getting better at something.
Unfortunately, this is a "catch 22" approach--a set-up for failure. I'm
not saying that everyone who uses this approach fails to accomplish
the goal of acquiring a skill or educational level, but this approach
does not build self worth or self esteem. It's a set up for failure.
Building self esteem is a myth with this approach.
Look around. Most of your friends, family, and acquaintances have been
building self esteem based on their accomplishments and acquisitions.
Unfortunately, the person who overcomes low self esteem and builds it
• on his fortune, often commits suicide when his portfolio is lost
in the stock market crash.
•on the love of his wife may become depressed and acquires
life-threatening cancer within 2 years of her passing and then dies himself
even though he was in fine health prior to her passing.
•on his position in life often becomes depressed and acquires a
life threatening disease within 2 years of his retirement and dies.
•on his social contacts and accomplishments may develop anxiety
panic attack when he moves to another part of the country.
•on his physical skills becomes has a greater chance of getting
seriously depressed and likewise may acquire a life threatening disease
when he has an incapacitating accident or is replaced by younger,
stronger athlete.
And we can go on and on. For each person building self esteem based on
an accomplishment, an ability, physical appearance, and so on, he/she
feels good about himself/herself for as long as his/her skills,
abilities, and accomplishments remain in tact. Yet when their skills,
relationships, accomplishments and so on change, they lose themselves in the
process. Is this self-worth? No, it's "things' worth," not self-worth.
In the face of all adversity and loss, the person who has truly been
building self esteem does not lose himself, but by knowing his true
value, is able to adapt and change to all life circumstances.
Back to John: It was indeed a challenge getting John out of his failure
path. More so because the psychologist set him up for failure--the
psychologist actually set the path for him to stay stuck with low self
esteem. Eventually he got up the hill and over the crest. He learned to
overcome his low self esteem, not by graduating machine shop school
(although he did), but by learning to deal successfully with life's
challenges and to like himself in the face of disappointment.
Building self esteem the right way is from self involves asking
questions. What is missing here? Why with so many programs for building self
esteem is it still a crisis? It is clearly insane to teach one to obtain
self esteem from his/her accomplishments.
It's also to realize that:
• Comparing ourselves to anyone else is to kill self esteem
• Some of our best laid plans will simply fall through.
• We are emotional beings and rather than be ruled by our emotions we
can acknowledge them and move through them.
• We each are a child of the universe deserving of feeling good about
ourselves regardless of what we do or don't do.
• We only feel less about ourselves because of what we've learned to
• Love of our physical, emotional, and spiritual self is deserved and
until we can love ourselves, it's unlikely that another can love us.
• Egotistical people really don't love themselves.
Building self esteem from self so that you even like yourself on a “bad
hair day” (when your fail to accomplish the goal) produces real
How to Build Self Esteem the Right Way © Copyright 2007 Richard Kuhns
Resource Box:
Richard Kuhns B.S.Ch.E., NGH certified is a prominent figure in the
field of stress management and personal change. He aims to redefine how we
build self esteem. To find out more please visit
<----- Article Ends Here ----->
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Self Improvement - Are You Wasting Your Time?
Author: Andrew Grant
Self Improvement - Are You Wasting Your Time?
How much time do you waste? Do you spend a lot of time
lazing around, `just thinking' or are you constantly on the
go, fit, active and getting things done?
If you are in the first category, there are a lot of very
obvious things you can do to improve, but in this article I
want to concentrate on those of us who are already using
our time constructively and examine how you can squeeze
even more from your day.
You may think that your life is so full that this is
impossible, but I recently ran an inventory of how I used
my time and realised that there was still some room for
improvement. Here's what I discovered.
Timespace #1 – For years I avoided doing any kind of
exercise. I was lucky, I was always pretty skinny so being
unfit didn't make me overweight. As I got older, though I
realised that I had to take my body a bit more seriously.
Since then I have become a moderate, regular exerciser; I
run for twenty minutes every other day and I go the gym
three or four times a week. No problem there; I'm using my
time wisely and I enjoy the process, not to mention the
However, I calculated that I am spending about five hours
per week doing great things for my body, but nothing for my
mind. So now when I'm pounding the streets or straining at
the weights, I use the opportunity to listen to self
development programs on my I-Pod, to concentrate on goal
visualization, to practice affirmations or just focus on
being grateful for all the good things in my life. And
there's a bonus too; because the blood is racing through my
veins, my brain is more alert and better prepared to learn
and grow.
Timespace #2 – I drive a lot. My business requires a good
deal of travel and most of it is done in the car. I used
to listen to music on the radio or go into an almost
trance-like `auto pilot' mode, usually to escape the tedium
of long distance driving.
Now, though, I put a self development CD in the player, or
a language course, or again, I use the time to practice
visualizations and affirmations. The great thing about the
car is that you can shout, sing, mumble or rant to yourself
and no one cares. It's your space.
Timespace #3 – Finally, this one is not so much about
finding extra time as making better use of the time I
thought I was using wisely. My personal time audit showed
me that I was wasting a whole hour, sometimes more, at the
beginning of the day catching up on the overnight e-mail
load and then planning what I was going to do for the rest
of the day.
I prided myself on being an efficient time warrior, but I
now realise, that I was missing one of the biggest mistakes
of all.
So how did I fix that? Simple. I changed two things.
Firstly, I now do my planning, the night before, by taking
ten minutes, near to the end of the evening and writing
down everything I want to achieve the next day. The bonus
here is that overnight, my mind works on the issues even
while I sleep, so by the time I get started next day, I am
far better prepared.
Secondly, I don't look at my e-mail till midday. I spend
the morning getting through the goals I assigned the night
before and then just before I take a break for lunch, I
race through my inbox. That way, I find I already feel
good about what I've done so far in the day, my mind is
much more focused and I don't get distracted.
So no matter how efficient you think you are, take a look
again at your day and I'll bet you can find some extra
layers of time, you never knew you had. Good hunting.
About the Author:
Hi my name is Andrew Grant, I'd like to invite you to visit
my website and subscribe to my newsletter for more
information and inspiration on Goal Setting, Positive
Thinking and Internet Marketing. and-mind. com
Author: Andrew Grant
Self Improvement - Are You Wasting Your Time?
How much time do you waste? Do you spend a lot of time
lazing around, `just thinking' or are you constantly on the
go, fit, active and getting things done?
If you are in the first category, there are a lot of very
obvious things you can do to improve, but in this article I
want to concentrate on those of us who are already using
our time constructively and examine how you can squeeze
even more from your day.
You may think that your life is so full that this is
impossible, but I recently ran an inventory of how I used
my time and realised that there was still some room for
improvement. Here's what I discovered.
Timespace #1 – For years I avoided doing any kind of
exercise. I was lucky, I was always pretty skinny so being
unfit didn't make me overweight. As I got older, though I
realised that I had to take my body a bit more seriously.
Since then I have become a moderate, regular exerciser; I
run for twenty minutes every other day and I go the gym
three or four times a week. No problem there; I'm using my
time wisely and I enjoy the process, not to mention the
However, I calculated that I am spending about five hours
per week doing great things for my body, but nothing for my
mind. So now when I'm pounding the streets or straining at
the weights, I use the opportunity to listen to self
development programs on my I-Pod, to concentrate on goal
visualization, to practice affirmations or just focus on
being grateful for all the good things in my life. And
there's a bonus too; because the blood is racing through my
veins, my brain is more alert and better prepared to learn
and grow.
Timespace #2 – I drive a lot. My business requires a good
deal of travel and most of it is done in the car. I used
to listen to music on the radio or go into an almost
trance-like `auto pilot' mode, usually to escape the tedium
of long distance driving.
Now, though, I put a self development CD in the player, or
a language course, or again, I use the time to practice
visualizations and affirmations. The great thing about the
car is that you can shout, sing, mumble or rant to yourself
and no one cares. It's your space.
Timespace #3 – Finally, this one is not so much about
finding extra time as making better use of the time I
thought I was using wisely. My personal time audit showed
me that I was wasting a whole hour, sometimes more, at the
beginning of the day catching up on the overnight e-mail
load and then planning what I was going to do for the rest
of the day.
I prided myself on being an efficient time warrior, but I
now realise, that I was missing one of the biggest mistakes
of all.
So how did I fix that? Simple. I changed two things.
Firstly, I now do my planning, the night before, by taking
ten minutes, near to the end of the evening and writing
down everything I want to achieve the next day. The bonus
here is that overnight, my mind works on the issues even
while I sleep, so by the time I get started next day, I am
far better prepared.
Secondly, I don't look at my e-mail till midday. I spend
the morning getting through the goals I assigned the night
before and then just before I take a break for lunch, I
race through my inbox. That way, I find I already feel
good about what I've done so far in the day, my mind is
much more focused and I don't get distracted.
So no matter how efficient you think you are, take a look
again at your day and I'll bet you can find some extra
layers of time, you never knew you had. Good hunting.
About the Author:
Hi my name is Andrew Grant, I'd like to invite you to visit
my website and subscribe to my newsletter for more
information and inspiration on Goal Setting, Positive
Thinking and Internet Marketing. and-mind. com
Building The Wealth Generating Mindset
Author: Mark Walters
When most economists talk about building wealth, most people
think about having enough money to go on luxurious vacations,
buying a big house, and dressing in the latest fashions. These
people think about enjoying a gourmet breakfast at 11am, served
on Irish linen table cloth, and complete with Maine hand churned
Until they receive a rude awakening in the form of a brutal
reality check. This reality check comes in the form of an
illness that drains the family's savings, a job loss from
downsizing, or a disaster like identity theft.
At this moment, people realize that wealth is the money
accumulated to protect you from poverty – that is all. More
people are learning that they cannot rely on a corporation for
their job security and financial stability. They need
alternative streams of income, and viable methods of
supplementing their income.
Wealth does not come from the accumulation of cash, but from
the accumulation of assets. Most people do not understand the
difference between income and wealth. A large salary does not
mean that you are wealthy. Living in a huge home, with a huge
mortgage, does not mean that you are living the good life.
Real wealth is a combination of saving, budgeting, reducing
debt, investing, and setting financial goals.
The first thing you need to do is calculate your net worth.
Subtract your liabilities, like your debts, and you have your
wealth. Most people can become extremely wealthy just by paying
off their debts, especially their mortgage.
There are thousands of people struggling to earn more money,
while their mortgage hemorrhages their wealth on a monthly
basis. If the value of your home is $200 000, and you owe $100
000, then your wealth is $100 000. However, if you pay off your
mortgage, your wealth increases by $100 000, and, the interest
you'd pay every year between the pay off date and the original
termination date. Paying off a mortgage ten years early, can
save many homeowners $20 - $50 000, much more than they would
ever make with the average stock portfolio, or operating a home
based business over the same period of time.
Free Money
Most people do not want free money. They do not take advantage
of perks like tax deductions for people who operate a home based
business. They ignore their 401(k) or 403(b) retirement funds.
They leave money in their bank account instead of investing it,
or even putting it in a savings account.
Spend Smart
Two households can earn the same income, live in the same sub
division, and enjoy the same standard of living. However, one
family can do it for $2 000 - $5 000 less than the other family.
The number one enemy of wealth is therapy shopping, or shopping
as a form of entertainment.
This also goes for people who operate a business. Recently a
woman told me she invested $10 000 in her business buying things
she believed she needed, all because she landed a $125 000
account. Unfortunately, every dollar she spent reduced her
long-term wealth by $2 - $3.
If you spend $1 today that should have been invested, then over
twenty years, the interest and profit could have been compounded
2, 5, 10, 100, or more times.
That means, the $10 000 this woman spent `for fun' at 30 years
old, may have ultimately earned her $30 000 and even $100 000
before she retired. That is an expensive shopping spree.
Reduce Debt
On the same platform, every dollar in debt drains your wealth
by the amount of interest paid yearly. If you borrow $1, do not
consider it as $1. Instead, think of it as $2.50 that will have
been paid – capital and interest – in five years.
You do not pay sticker price for a vehicle at $30 000. Instead,
you pay $45 000, the price of the vehicle, plus the interest
All of these things are part of a mindset that enables people
to think in terms of building wealth. The good news is, you can
also develop that mindset.
About The Author: Mark Walters is a third generation investor
who guides others to financial independence through the Creating
Wealth Club
Please use the HTML version of this article at:
Author: Mark Walters
When most economists talk about building wealth, most people
think about having enough money to go on luxurious vacations,
buying a big house, and dressing in the latest fashions. These
people think about enjoying a gourmet breakfast at 11am, served
on Irish linen table cloth, and complete with Maine hand churned
Until they receive a rude awakening in the form of a brutal
reality check. This reality check comes in the form of an
illness that drains the family's savings, a job loss from
downsizing, or a disaster like identity theft.
At this moment, people realize that wealth is the money
accumulated to protect you from poverty – that is all. More
people are learning that they cannot rely on a corporation for
their job security and financial stability. They need
alternative streams of income, and viable methods of
supplementing their income.
Wealth does not come from the accumulation of cash, but from
the accumulation of assets. Most people do not understand the
difference between income and wealth. A large salary does not
mean that you are wealthy. Living in a huge home, with a huge
mortgage, does not mean that you are living the good life.
Real wealth is a combination of saving, budgeting, reducing
debt, investing, and setting financial goals.
The first thing you need to do is calculate your net worth.
Subtract your liabilities, like your debts, and you have your
wealth. Most people can become extremely wealthy just by paying
off their debts, especially their mortgage.
There are thousands of people struggling to earn more money,
while their mortgage hemorrhages their wealth on a monthly
basis. If the value of your home is $200 000, and you owe $100
000, then your wealth is $100 000. However, if you pay off your
mortgage, your wealth increases by $100 000, and, the interest
you'd pay every year between the pay off date and the original
termination date. Paying off a mortgage ten years early, can
save many homeowners $20 - $50 000, much more than they would
ever make with the average stock portfolio, or operating a home
based business over the same period of time.
Free Money
Most people do not want free money. They do not take advantage
of perks like tax deductions for people who operate a home based
business. They ignore their 401(k) or 403(b) retirement funds.
They leave money in their bank account instead of investing it,
or even putting it in a savings account.
Spend Smart
Two households can earn the same income, live in the same sub
division, and enjoy the same standard of living. However, one
family can do it for $2 000 - $5 000 less than the other family.
The number one enemy of wealth is therapy shopping, or shopping
as a form of entertainment.
This also goes for people who operate a business. Recently a
woman told me she invested $10 000 in her business buying things
she believed she needed, all because she landed a $125 000
account. Unfortunately, every dollar she spent reduced her
long-term wealth by $2 - $3.
If you spend $1 today that should have been invested, then over
twenty years, the interest and profit could have been compounded
2, 5, 10, 100, or more times.
That means, the $10 000 this woman spent `for fun' at 30 years
old, may have ultimately earned her $30 000 and even $100 000
before she retired. That is an expensive shopping spree.
Reduce Debt
On the same platform, every dollar in debt drains your wealth
by the amount of interest paid yearly. If you borrow $1, do not
consider it as $1. Instead, think of it as $2.50 that will have
been paid – capital and interest – in five years.
You do not pay sticker price for a vehicle at $30 000. Instead,
you pay $45 000, the price of the vehicle, plus the interest
All of these things are part of a mindset that enables people
to think in terms of building wealth. The good news is, you can
also develop that mindset.
About The Author: Mark Walters is a third generation investor
who guides others to financial independence through the Creating
Wealth Club
Please use the HTML version of this article at:
Thursday, 23 August 2007
goals to achieve
One thing that was drilled into my head in school was that every person needs goals to achieve. Though I understood this, I didn’t understand why they had to be so precise. There were many times when we would have to do a report on what our goals were, and the time frame for achieving them. I was never sure what to do with this, because I never know where I was going or what I wanted to do. I knew that was a problem, but I always felt so lost when it came to knowing where I was going in life.
As the years went by I did some things I wanted to do, but I still felt lost. I finally sat down one day and thought of where I wanted to go, and I came up with some goals to achieve, and I gave myself a time line. Though these were not hard things to do, I had to start somewhere. Once I knew that I had a deadline, I started to feel like I needed to plan more, and I would work out the steps I needed to take to do what had to be done. I was surprised to see I got where I wanted to go much faster than I thought I would.
Anyone who is lacking in goals to achieve probably feels a little lost, much like I did. Though it might seem overwhelming, coming up with small ones first is the way to go. Once you see you can do the small stuff , you can then gain confidence to tackle the bigger things. Some have no problems coming up with goals to achieve, others aren’t really sure where to start. That does not mean they won’t go anywhere in life, it just means they need to readjust. Setting goals in not just something the top two percent of a graduating class does, it’s something for everyone.
Someone looking for goals to achieve can find many books on the subject. These can help define goals, and to help set mini goals along the way. They will not solve all of a person’s problems, but they can help someone take step in the right direction. These are very helpful for those who want to go somewhere in life, or what to be successful, but just can’t seem to get settled on a path. Goals to achieve might be like baby steps towards a larger goal. It is also important to enjoy the journey, as that is almost more satisfying than reaching the goal in the end.
As the years went by I did some things I wanted to do, but I still felt lost. I finally sat down one day and thought of where I wanted to go, and I came up with some goals to achieve, and I gave myself a time line. Though these were not hard things to do, I had to start somewhere. Once I knew that I had a deadline, I started to feel like I needed to plan more, and I would work out the steps I needed to take to do what had to be done. I was surprised to see I got where I wanted to go much faster than I thought I would.
Anyone who is lacking in goals to achieve probably feels a little lost, much like I did. Though it might seem overwhelming, coming up with small ones first is the way to go. Once you see you can do the small stuff , you can then gain confidence to tackle the bigger things. Some have no problems coming up with goals to achieve, others aren’t really sure where to start. That does not mean they won’t go anywhere in life, it just means they need to readjust. Setting goals in not just something the top two percent of a graduating class does, it’s something for everyone.
Someone looking for goals to achieve can find many books on the subject. These can help define goals, and to help set mini goals along the way. They will not solve all of a person’s problems, but they can help someone take step in the right direction. These are very helpful for those who want to go somewhere in life, or what to be successful, but just can’t seem to get settled on a path. Goals to achieve might be like baby steps towards a larger goal. It is also important to enjoy the journey, as that is almost more satisfying than reaching the goal in the end.
Healing Sexual Issues Improves Self-Esteem & Relationships
Author: Helene Rothschild
Healing Sexual Issues Improves Self-Esteem & Relationships
Our sexuality is a healthy, normal, human part of us.
Sexual problems can hurt your self-esteem and
relationships. As a practicing Marriage, Family Therapist
for 27 years, I have learned fascinating insights as to the
causes of our sexual issues. The following are some case
studies of clients who overcame their sexual blocks.
Randi, a twenty-two-year-old woman, came to me complaining
that she never found her sexual experiences satisfying. She
asked me, "Do women really enjoy sex?"
I replied, "Yes, Randi. Do you allow yourself to enjoy your
sense of hearing, sight, smell, touch, and taste?" Randi
answered, "Of course I do, but that's different."
I continued, "In my opinion, Randi, we wouldn't have
sensual bodies if we weren't supposed to enjoy them. Our
sexual parts, just like our eyes, ears, nose, skin, and
tongue are normal parts of us that have specific functions,
as well as offer us specific pleasures."
I went on to explain to Randi that sex is a normal, healthy
part of an intimate relationship-another way to express
love, and give and receive pleasure. Enjoying her sexuality
is a natural state. She had probably made negative
decisions about sex from childhood experiences that were
still affecting her today.
As we proceeded to explore Randi's unconscious beliefs
about sex through the HART process, Holistic And Rapid
Transformation, we discovered that when she was ten years
old, she had overheard her mother saying to a friend on the
phone, "I just tolerate sex for my husband's sake." From
that childhood experience, Randi had decided that women do
not enjoy sex. That negative decision was affecting her
adult life.
To release her block, I asked Randi to visualize an image
of her mother standing in front of her and say, "Mom, I'm
sorry that you didn't allow yourself to enjoy your
sexuality. I imagine that you just passed on to me the
negative messages that your mother impressed on you. The
truth is that sex between two consenting adults can be a
beautiful way to share their caring. I accept that you
didn't know that, but I do. I'm going to allow myself to
enjoy my sexuality."
Randi automatically took a deep breath and said that she
felt relieved and more relaxed. We explored her other
sexual blocks and discovered that she felt very guilty for
masturbating since she was a small child. Randi felt
wonderful when I reassured her that she did not do anything
wrong, that masturbation was normal and healthy.
Other male and female clients had to release their guilt
feelings that stemmed from their childhood experience of
being caught and reprimanded for playing "Doctor."
Not all of the sexual blocks were caused by guilt. Bob, a
forty-seven-year-old man, found out that he was expressing
his resentment towards his girlfriend by not allowing
himself to climax.
Brian, a thirty-four-year-old man, found himself devastated
and impotent after his wife divorced him. Brian was
terrified to get too close to another woman.
Pat, a twenty-five-year-old nurse, was told by her dad that
men will only want her for her body. Pat was able to let
go, and allow herself to enjoy her sexuality after she
began to trust herself to attract men who appreciated all
of her.
The most challenging sexual issues have been those of
molestation and incest. The clients had many feelings to
resolve before they could feel sexually free.
In summary, I have found that people were subconsciously
blocking their sexuality because of negative experiences
they had as children and as adults. Once they expressed
their guilt, fear, and resentments, and resolved their
issues, they were able to allow themselves to enjoy their
normal, healthy sexuality.
About the Author:
©2007 Helene Rothschild, MS, MA, MFT, is a Marriage, Family
Therapist, intuitive counselor, speaker, and author. The
article is excerpts from her new book, "ALL YOU NEED IS
HART!" A unique guide to Holistic And Rapid Transformation.
She offers phone sessions, books, e-books, MP3 audios, and
a free newsletter. ,
Healing Sexual Issues Improves Self-Esteem & Relationships
Our sexuality is a healthy, normal, human part of us.
Sexual problems can hurt your self-esteem and
relationships. As a practicing Marriage, Family Therapist
for 27 years, I have learned fascinating insights as to the
causes of our sexual issues. The following are some case
studies of clients who overcame their sexual blocks.
Randi, a twenty-two-year-old woman, came to me complaining
that she never found her sexual experiences satisfying. She
asked me, "Do women really enjoy sex?"
I replied, "Yes, Randi. Do you allow yourself to enjoy your
sense of hearing, sight, smell, touch, and taste?" Randi
answered, "Of course I do, but that's different."
I continued, "In my opinion, Randi, we wouldn't have
sensual bodies if we weren't supposed to enjoy them. Our
sexual parts, just like our eyes, ears, nose, skin, and
tongue are normal parts of us that have specific functions,
as well as offer us specific pleasures."
I went on to explain to Randi that sex is a normal, healthy
part of an intimate relationship-another way to express
love, and give and receive pleasure. Enjoying her sexuality
is a natural state. She had probably made negative
decisions about sex from childhood experiences that were
still affecting her today.
As we proceeded to explore Randi's unconscious beliefs
about sex through the HART process, Holistic And Rapid
Transformation, we discovered that when she was ten years
old, she had overheard her mother saying to a friend on the
phone, "I just tolerate sex for my husband's sake." From
that childhood experience, Randi had decided that women do
not enjoy sex. That negative decision was affecting her
adult life.
To release her block, I asked Randi to visualize an image
of her mother standing in front of her and say, "Mom, I'm
sorry that you didn't allow yourself to enjoy your
sexuality. I imagine that you just passed on to me the
negative messages that your mother impressed on you. The
truth is that sex between two consenting adults can be a
beautiful way to share their caring. I accept that you
didn't know that, but I do. I'm going to allow myself to
enjoy my sexuality."
Randi automatically took a deep breath and said that she
felt relieved and more relaxed. We explored her other
sexual blocks and discovered that she felt very guilty for
masturbating since she was a small child. Randi felt
wonderful when I reassured her that she did not do anything
wrong, that masturbation was normal and healthy.
Other male and female clients had to release their guilt
feelings that stemmed from their childhood experience of
being caught and reprimanded for playing "Doctor."
Not all of the sexual blocks were caused by guilt. Bob, a
forty-seven-year-old man, found out that he was expressing
his resentment towards his girlfriend by not allowing
himself to climax.
Brian, a thirty-four-year-old man, found himself devastated
and impotent after his wife divorced him. Brian was
terrified to get too close to another woman.
Pat, a twenty-five-year-old nurse, was told by her dad that
men will only want her for her body. Pat was able to let
go, and allow herself to enjoy her sexuality after she
began to trust herself to attract men who appreciated all
of her.
The most challenging sexual issues have been those of
molestation and incest. The clients had many feelings to
resolve before they could feel sexually free.
In summary, I have found that people were subconsciously
blocking their sexuality because of negative experiences
they had as children and as adults. Once they expressed
their guilt, fear, and resentments, and resolved their
issues, they were able to allow themselves to enjoy their
normal, healthy sexuality.
About the Author:
©2007 Helene Rothschild, MS, MA, MFT, is a Marriage, Family
Therapist, intuitive counselor, speaker, and author. The
article is excerpts from her new book, "ALL YOU NEED IS
HART!" A unique guide to Holistic And Rapid Transformation.
She offers phone sessions, books, e-books, MP3 audios, and
a free newsletter. ,
Wednesday, 22 August 2007
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.
I have known for a long time that I have some very negative habits that hold me back. In many ways, I am disorganized, easily distracted, and not very focused on my goals. Although I have tried to implement the power of positive thinking in my own life with some success, I still can't get over the feeling that something is missing. I contemplated life coaching, therapy, and various other strategies to help me reprogram myself into a more driven, successful individual, but I felt lost by the maze of different options available. There is just simply too much out there and it is impossible to evaluate all of it. How was I ever to separate the wheat from the chaff?
I finally found a book that seemed to be universally agreed upon as a good source for learning how to build your own personal wealth. It was a volume called Think and Grow Rich, written by Napoleon Hill. He had studied Carnegie, Rockefeller, and many of the other self-made barons of well. I knew that it wasn't a very current text, but nonetheless it seemed like the best place to start. When you can't figure out what to do, always go back to the source texts. The earlier the text, the more likely it is that it will have the information in its most pure, undiluted form.
As it turned out, Think and Grow Rich was only a starting point. It told me a lot about how various wealthy people thought, and how their thought processes contributed to their accumulation of wealth, but it wasn't enough by itself. You see, I had so many entrenched bad habits that learning how to think and grow rich seemed like too much of a task to do alone.
Nevertheless, I worked on it every day. Every time I would see myself falling into old, negative habits, I would chant some positives affirmations internally. I would make lists of all of my tasks, and I would not rest until they were all completed. I knew that, if I wanted to think and grow rich, I needed to be ruthless in my pursuit of success. Soon, it was my first priority. It hasn't been easy, but I think I have made some progress towards growing wealthy. It isn't something that will happen overnight, but I think if I put a few years into it, things will turn around for me.
I finally found a book that seemed to be universally agreed upon as a good source for learning how to build your own personal wealth. It was a volume called Think and Grow Rich, written by Napoleon Hill. He had studied Carnegie, Rockefeller, and many of the other self-made barons of well. I knew that it wasn't a very current text, but nonetheless it seemed like the best place to start. When you can't figure out what to do, always go back to the source texts. The earlier the text, the more likely it is that it will have the information in its most pure, undiluted form.
As it turned out, Think and Grow Rich was only a starting point. It told me a lot about how various wealthy people thought, and how their thought processes contributed to their accumulation of wealth, but it wasn't enough by itself. You see, I had so many entrenched bad habits that learning how to think and grow rich seemed like too much of a task to do alone.
Nevertheless, I worked on it every day. Every time I would see myself falling into old, negative habits, I would chant some positives affirmations internally. I would make lists of all of my tasks, and I would not rest until they were all completed. I knew that, if I wanted to think and grow rich, I needed to be ruthless in my pursuit of success. Soon, it was my first priority. It hasn't been easy, but I think I have made some progress towards growing wealthy. It isn't something that will happen overnight, but I think if I put a few years into it, things will turn around for me.
Monday, 20 August 2007
Self help books and programs
Self help books and programs were huge for a long time, but the trend seems to have quieted. There were so many different books out there, and so many different programs that people became overwhelmed. They needed help deciding what self help they really needed. This defeated the purpose, and most didn’t get much from the stuff they bought. This type of help is still out there, but it is not as loud as it once was. Someone who needs improvement can still find it, but the choices are better today than they were years ago.
The most commonly bought self help book would be the diet book. There are some many people trying to lose weight, and no one knows how to do it. There are a lot of options, and that is why this type of self help is something that should be considered carefully. It is best to look over diets and information before deciding which one will be right for you. The Atkins way of life has helped a lot of people lose, and it is a good eating plan, but most didn’t realize they had to do it for life for the weight to stay off. If you can’t do something forever, don’t start it.
Other popular types of self help are things that pertain to career. These are also very good sellers, and there are some books out there with great information. There are some that help with resume and presentation, and others that help someone move up the career ladder. This type of self help might not be as straight forward as other types, but might be more like guidelines that each person can apply to their career rather than step by step help types advice.
Sometimes self help is something that has to come from within. You can find information almost anywhere on any type of problem, but most of the time someone has to find out what is going on within themselves in order to figure out where to go next. There is often no way a book can help with a specific problems, and the self help that someone finds must come from themselves. When the problem is very personal, only a personal solution will help. A book or even a program may help to some extent, but most of the solution must come from the mind and the experience of the person involved.
The most commonly bought self help book would be the diet book. There are some many people trying to lose weight, and no one knows how to do it. There are a lot of options, and that is why this type of self help is something that should be considered carefully. It is best to look over diets and information before deciding which one will be right for you. The Atkins way of life has helped a lot of people lose, and it is a good eating plan, but most didn’t realize they had to do it for life for the weight to stay off. If you can’t do something forever, don’t start it.
Other popular types of self help are things that pertain to career. These are also very good sellers, and there are some books out there with great information. There are some that help with resume and presentation, and others that help someone move up the career ladder. This type of self help might not be as straight forward as other types, but might be more like guidelines that each person can apply to their career rather than step by step help types advice.
Sometimes self help is something that has to come from within. You can find information almost anywhere on any type of problem, but most of the time someone has to find out what is going on within themselves in order to figure out where to go next. There is often no way a book can help with a specific problems, and the self help that someone finds must come from themselves. When the problem is very personal, only a personal solution will help. A book or even a program may help to some extent, but most of the solution must come from the mind and the experience of the person involved.
Sunday, 19 August 2007
Battling Depression? How To Feel Better In 6 Simple Steps
By George Ruan
Is it actually possible to LEARN how to feel better? You bet!
The body-mind-emotion connection is not only scientifically known but also quite apparent when you try out some simple steps. When your body feels uneasy, your mind can improve it. The influence of positive thought in healing is clearly evidenced from many sources. Norman Cousin, in his memoir “Anatomy of an Illness” describes relief from a very painful spine condition in watching comedies. He claims that watching 10 minutes of funny videos allowed him two hours of pain free sleep.
Are you ready to learn some simple steps?
1. Become your own best friend. Always, always be on your side, no matter what. Be quick to forgive mistakes and ready with a kind word to yourself. Imagine that you are talking to a vulnerable small child. If your habit is to scold yourself, berate yourself, judge yourself or otherwise put yourself down, watch for these tendencies and replace them with positive, uplifting, and encouraging words.
2. Don’t look down. Tightrope walkers and mountain climbers subscribe to this motto because they know that the body has a tendency to follow the eyes. In a literal sense, avoid looking down. If you find yourself depressed, raise your head and lift your eyes. Your stomach relaxes, your diaphragm unclench, you take deeper breaths, and your thoughts also follow an upward direction.
3. Practice gratitude. We often focus on what we don’t have or what is wrong. Each expression of how bad it is, how we lack this and that, increases these burdens. Each negative thought adds to the weight until it is so heavy that we cannot bear it. Make a list in your daily journal of all the things for which you are grateful.
4. Smile. Even if you don’t feel like smiling, smile anyway. Smile when you talk on the phone or type on the computer. Smiling filters different thoughts into your mind. If you smile long enough, you’ll find yourself smiling at yourself smiling!
5. Laugh. Read, watch, or listen to something funny at least once a day. Seek others with whom to share humor. The online community is a great source for funny jokes, audio, video clips and the like. Sites like makes it easy to find friends who are also seeking ways to feel better.
6. Share. Take steps 1-5, bundle them all up, and share them. Write them in a daily journal. As negative focus increases the weight of the burden, positive expression relieves it. Tell a joke to someone. Give an encouraging word. Share something for which you are grateful. Give or receive some helpful advice. Find others to share with at Your example inspires others and rewards you all over again!
Do something NOW to make contact with friends. There is power in action!
About the Author: George Ruan is the founder of, an online community devoted to helping people deal with their daily problems. Join us and never be alone.
Is it actually possible to LEARN how to feel better? You bet!
The body-mind-emotion connection is not only scientifically known but also quite apparent when you try out some simple steps. When your body feels uneasy, your mind can improve it. The influence of positive thought in healing is clearly evidenced from many sources. Norman Cousin, in his memoir “Anatomy of an Illness” describes relief from a very painful spine condition in watching comedies. He claims that watching 10 minutes of funny videos allowed him two hours of pain free sleep.
Are you ready to learn some simple steps?
1. Become your own best friend. Always, always be on your side, no matter what. Be quick to forgive mistakes and ready with a kind word to yourself. Imagine that you are talking to a vulnerable small child. If your habit is to scold yourself, berate yourself, judge yourself or otherwise put yourself down, watch for these tendencies and replace them with positive, uplifting, and encouraging words.
2. Don’t look down. Tightrope walkers and mountain climbers subscribe to this motto because they know that the body has a tendency to follow the eyes. In a literal sense, avoid looking down. If you find yourself depressed, raise your head and lift your eyes. Your stomach relaxes, your diaphragm unclench, you take deeper breaths, and your thoughts also follow an upward direction.
3. Practice gratitude. We often focus on what we don’t have or what is wrong. Each expression of how bad it is, how we lack this and that, increases these burdens. Each negative thought adds to the weight until it is so heavy that we cannot bear it. Make a list in your daily journal of all the things for which you are grateful.
4. Smile. Even if you don’t feel like smiling, smile anyway. Smile when you talk on the phone or type on the computer. Smiling filters different thoughts into your mind. If you smile long enough, you’ll find yourself smiling at yourself smiling!
5. Laugh. Read, watch, or listen to something funny at least once a day. Seek others with whom to share humor. The online community is a great source for funny jokes, audio, video clips and the like. Sites like makes it easy to find friends who are also seeking ways to feel better.
6. Share. Take steps 1-5, bundle them all up, and share them. Write them in a daily journal. As negative focus increases the weight of the burden, positive expression relieves it. Tell a joke to someone. Give an encouraging word. Share something for which you are grateful. Give or receive some helpful advice. Find others to share with at Your example inspires others and rewards you all over again!
Do something NOW to make contact with friends. There is power in action!
About the Author: George Ruan is the founder of, an online community devoted to helping people deal with their daily problems. Join us and never be alone.
Thursday, 16 August 2007
Law of Attraction - Use Your Inner Gifts to Unleash Your Mind Power and Attract Success
Author: Priscilla Parham
The secret to attracting success, money and friends is to
unleash your mind power through self-talk by telling
yourself that you will think positive and find ways to feel
Our mind absorbs many things especially the negative
thoughts from other people. Subconsciously we hear them as
feedback when we are doing things that make us think
negative. Learn to overcome the negative and become
positive by becoming more aware of your self-talk.
Look inside objectively while thinking positive to decide
what it is that you don't like about yourself and things
around you. Remember don't let the negative thoughts get in
the way and keep you stuck, just use them as a guide. It
takes being truthful and staying positive to be successful
at this. Being consistent will bring you money and new
Self-talk is telling yourself that you can and will be
successful in whatever goals you choose in life. If you
want to make friends or become closer to the ones you
already have, you will need to be more conscious of how you
act. Your friends will be flocking around you when you talk
positive instead of running yourself down all the time.
Sometimes we have to write down what we want to change in
order to help the mind and brain attract the things we
want. Changes are not always easy and fun to do but
thinking and feeling good will move you further along in
life by unleashing your mind power to succeed.
Making a list of what you want to do different and how
you're going to succeed, to reach your goals will make them
seem more obtainable. Repeating this list or what some
call affirmations or intentions, again and again out loud
in a soft voice will reprogram your mind and increase your
Think positive at the work place and tell yourself that you
can learn a new way to handle certain things like how you
talk to your co-workers. When you talk to friends at work
don't say things like; "I can't get this done in that
length of time." Instead say, "Sure I'll work on it right
away." When you use the words "can't" or "if" you are
using negative thoughts; learn to work around them by
telling yourself that you can and will meet the deadline
and succeed. People will be happier to work with you and at
the same time, you'll be making more money and friends.
Focusing on your self-talk will help you to remember that
you have a list of goals and rewards waiting for you to
work on. If you need to, go back to the list of goals and
remind yourself how you're going to succeed by making these
As time goes on your old negative thoughts will have less
and less of a hold on you.
Start now and make your list while you unleash your mind
power to success, money and friends. Don't worry if you
make a mistake before reaching your goals. Everyone makes
mistakes at one time or another but we learn from them and
press on toward the goal. Use your self-talk and positive
thinking to find a different way to handle an unpleasant
situation the next time it occurs.
About the Author:
Do you want help writing affirmations? You'll find a wealth
of spectacular material including journal pages and free
audio affirmations along with other secret tools to
download at http://www.LiveTheS . Priscilla Parham
coaches on awareness and goal setting for your health, your
business and your relationships, motivating others to
rebuild from the inside-out.
Author: Priscilla Parham
The secret to attracting success, money and friends is to
unleash your mind power through self-talk by telling
yourself that you will think positive and find ways to feel
Our mind absorbs many things especially the negative
thoughts from other people. Subconsciously we hear them as
feedback when we are doing things that make us think
negative. Learn to overcome the negative and become
positive by becoming more aware of your self-talk.
Look inside objectively while thinking positive to decide
what it is that you don't like about yourself and things
around you. Remember don't let the negative thoughts get in
the way and keep you stuck, just use them as a guide. It
takes being truthful and staying positive to be successful
at this. Being consistent will bring you money and new
Self-talk is telling yourself that you can and will be
successful in whatever goals you choose in life. If you
want to make friends or become closer to the ones you
already have, you will need to be more conscious of how you
act. Your friends will be flocking around you when you talk
positive instead of running yourself down all the time.
Sometimes we have to write down what we want to change in
order to help the mind and brain attract the things we
want. Changes are not always easy and fun to do but
thinking and feeling good will move you further along in
life by unleashing your mind power to succeed.
Making a list of what you want to do different and how
you're going to succeed, to reach your goals will make them
seem more obtainable. Repeating this list or what some
call affirmations or intentions, again and again out loud
in a soft voice will reprogram your mind and increase your
Think positive at the work place and tell yourself that you
can learn a new way to handle certain things like how you
talk to your co-workers. When you talk to friends at work
don't say things like; "I can't get this done in that
length of time." Instead say, "Sure I'll work on it right
away." When you use the words "can't" or "if" you are
using negative thoughts; learn to work around them by
telling yourself that you can and will meet the deadline
and succeed. People will be happier to work with you and at
the same time, you'll be making more money and friends.
Focusing on your self-talk will help you to remember that
you have a list of goals and rewards waiting for you to
work on. If you need to, go back to the list of goals and
remind yourself how you're going to succeed by making these
As time goes on your old negative thoughts will have less
and less of a hold on you.
Start now and make your list while you unleash your mind
power to success, money and friends. Don't worry if you
make a mistake before reaching your goals. Everyone makes
mistakes at one time or another but we learn from them and
press on toward the goal. Use your self-talk and positive
thinking to find a different way to handle an unpleasant
situation the next time it occurs.
About the Author:
Do you want help writing affirmations? You'll find a wealth
of spectacular material including journal pages and free
audio affirmations along with other secret tools to
download at http://www.LiveTheS . Priscilla Parham
coaches on awareness and goal setting for your health, your
business and your relationships, motivating others to
rebuild from the inside-out.
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