Monday, 5 November 2007

By Jeri Atleson

One of the most effective ways to develop a positive attitude is through the practice of positive affirmations. What are positive affirmations? Positive affirmations are positive statements that are written in the first person, in the present, and are specific. Positive affirmations are retraining your subconscious mind to look and think positively at something rather than approaching something with a negative attitude. There have been many books written about positive affirmations as well as many audio books and seminars.

There are numerous ways to develop a positive attitude, and positive affirmations are one very effective method. Some experts suggest one of these ways to develop a positive attitude is to start your positive affirmations in front of a mirror. The following rules of thumb are helpful in putting your positive affirmations into use:

Some experts advise writing or typing out their affirmations up to 20 times per day.

A response column next to each affirmation my help get rid of any lingering negative thoughts - for every negative write the opposite in the positive form.

Write in the first person (I will create wealth).

Search out motivational/inspirational material to reaffirm your positive affirmations on a daily basis.

Consider stating your affirmations in front of a mirror or taping them to your mirror.

Vocalizing, actually speaking your affirmations engages more than one sense and makes more of an impact (see and hear them).

Affirmations must make a positive statement (I will create wealth).

Use your own name, as affirmations are more effective when you include your name.

Affirmations be written in the present tense - don't think of what you don't have today, think of yourself as already having these things today. Use words like "now" in your affirmations.

Affirmation need to be specific

Be in the present - don't think of what you don't have today, think of yourself as already having these things. Use words like "now" in your affirmations.

Affirmations are one of the ways to develop a positive attitude. The key is to choose to see things more positively, to engage in behaviors that will help you stay on the positive attitude track, and to believe that you are deserving of good things.

Jeri Atleson has been a successful internet entrepreneur for 3 years. She has a passion for learning and mentoring others to achieve their financial goals. To learn more about Jeri and how she may be able to help you achieve your financial success online with a free coaching session, visit her website at

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Watch the Great Napoleon Hill himself! The author of the Worlds greatest book 'Think and Grow Rich'