Sunday 3 April 2011

Inspirational Sayings By Jim Rohn

The first time l had the pleasure of hearing Jim Rohn speak he would say such wonderful saying like learn to work harder on your self than you do on your job, If you work hard on your job you will make a living,but if you work hard on yourself you will make a fortune.

This stuck in my mind and got me thinking about the things l was doing in my life.Then Jim would say discipline weighs ounces regret weighs ton how many times have we said this to ourselves but we haven,t taken any notice or action to change theses patterns we have created in our daily lives.

The best one Jim rohn said was if you want to know what your next 5 years are going to be like just look at your last 5 years because unless you change everything will stay the same for you wow l thought this is what l have being doing wrong all this time so l started to change the small things first then l started with the big stuff later this was so powerful.

Then Jim said something really funny one day but had great meaning he was talking to one of his employers one day asking him how well was he doing on his sales the guy replies ok so jim said how many sales have you made so the guy started making excuses so Jim replied do you know way they make this square so small, the guy replied to Jim no l don't and Jim in his brilliance replied so you can't put any excuses in it.

Watch the Great Napoleon Hill himself! The author of the Worlds greatest book 'Think and Grow Rich'