Wednesday 27 May 2009

Discover Positive Affirmations - Your Life Will Never Be The Same Again!

I really can speak from experience. When I discovered Positive Affirmations over 20 years ago, I laughed at the whole notion. I couldn't believe for one minute that by repeating Positive Affirmations daily, you could achieve everything you ever wanted.

I was young and cynical back in those days. Then one day, my husband ordered some 'life changing positive thinking' cassette tapes by a wonderful man called Jim Rohn. I had to listen to them because my husband had them on 24/7, and guess what? I started to take on board some of things he was saying.

I'm not sure initially if this was consciously or subconsciously, but I started to look at myself and my life in a whole new light. My behaviour changed, which in turn changed the things that happened to me. It was amazing.

After I started to change my way of thinking, I became open to new and different ideas. I began to really believe in myself for the first time in my life. It was around this time that I got onto positive affirmations (another one of the many books my husband kept buying). I followed the simple steps laid out for me, and have continued this process until this day.

I know that I would not be the person I am today without my positive affirmations. I am a participant of life now, not just someone looking on from the sidelines.

If I could give anyone a piece of life changing advice it would be to use positive affirmations in your daily life. I will certainly be passing on the legacy to my own children, after all I want to give them the tools to live a rich and full life just like I have.

If you would like to try Positive Affirmations for yourself, we provide free tips and advice on how to get started. Just visit

Watch the Great Napoleon Hill himself! The author of the Worlds greatest book 'Think and Grow Rich'