Positive Affirmations, Positive Thinking, The Law of Attraction and all Aspects of Self Help and Belief.
Monday, 9 November 2009
Anthony Robbins - Can He Help You Achieve Your Goals And Dreams?
Anthony Robbins - Can He Help You Achieve Your Goals And Dreams?
Author: Joanna Manderzeen
For more than twenty-five years, personal development guru Anthony Robbins has been trying to learn how human behavior is shaped and how we can make a change in ourselves. Currently, he's a major success coach and motivational speaker, with over thirty-five million books and audio products sold.
But is he someone who can help you and me? I'm someone who's usually fairly skeptical of anyone who claims that telling me how to think is going to make me a success. You might be as well, and I wouldn't be surprised, since there really are a lot of scams out there. However, there's more to Anthony Robbins than we see at first glance.
I know that Anthony Robbins' products and seminars have had a big effect on the way I view him. He's offering a lot of different strategies to help us perform to our highest potential, and he really does deserve to be called a personal development guru. His famous walks over hot coals - barefoot! - show us how all of us can overcome our deepest fears to realize our dreams.
Physically pretty imposing, Tony Robbins is six feet and seven inches tall, and weighs two sixty five, but he's more than just a big guy. He's forty-three, but he can still inspire people, picking up the energy of a crowd and helping them feel able to control their lives and achieve what they've always dreamed of.
This professional development guru tells us that the only thing that limits our potential is the things we believe. That means that there's no way to do any better than you believe you can - until you know you can do it, you won't reach the pinnacle of your development. The stories we tell about ourselves keep us from getting the things we want, so we're just going to have to come up with new stories.
Did you know that most of our self doubt lines up with some basic themes. Ask just about anyone you meet, and they'll be worried about acceptance, whether they're good enough, and whether they can work hard enough. This self doubt is the same for everyone, and if we learn how to overcome it, we can make it give up control. Beliefs can impact us on all kinds of levels, especially the ones we're not aware of, and they shape our actions.
That means that if we want a positive outcome, we have to take action, and it has to be a big one. If we're not willing to take the next step, no amount of information can help us. It can take some time to see results from what Tony Robbins has to tell us - there's no such thing as automatic progress. People who aren't patient shouldn't bother with this kind of program, since you need to be someone who's willing to work to learn to attain your dreams.
If you are, find out more about this personal development guru and see what Anthony Robbins has to teach you. For a more in depth view of what Anthony Robbins can offer you I recommend checking out www.AnthonyRobbinsVideo.com where you can sign up for a free Video Series of him live. Not only will they give you a good feel of Tony Robbins, you will learn the 4 essential elements to your success.
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/coaching-articles/anthony-robbins-can-he-help-you-achieve-your-goals-and-dreams-1153772.html
About the Author:
Wednesday, 21 October 2009
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Friday, 2 October 2009
Spiritual Affirmation Healing Your Inner Self With Spiritual Affirmations
by Robert D. Watson
From childhood to adulthood, the knowledge we gain or the experiences we have in our lives only helps us to discover our outer personality and brings us closer to material things of this world. At the same time we sometimes get depressed or fall into a low self-esteem Problem. Spiritual Affirmations help us get out of these problems. Spiritual Affirmations leads us towards a happy and satisfying life with a peaceful mind.
Affirmations are a judgment that we pass or any thought we have. An affirmation is directly linked to our sub consciousness. Affirmations can either be negative or positive which can either guide our subconscious actions to a successful life or towards failure.
Spiritual Affirmations are a form of meditation which when mediated often, have a desirable results. For example if a person has a lack of confidence or self-esteem problem sit in a peaceful, quiet place with some spiritual affirmations in your mind, let the emotions flow to you and start saying the spiritual affirmations aloud, 'I believe in myself' or 'My inner self will always guide me towards right path with decisions that are beneficial to me and others'.
The key behind spiritual affirmations is to let go of all your negative thoughts and trust completely in yourself. Instead of thinking 'This project is too difficult for me' try thinking 'I am capable of anything and obstacles do not effect me or my work'. Once you adopting this kind of spiritual affirmation you will notice a positive and healthy change in your life.
The best way to carry out spiritual affirmation technique is to release your mind of any negative thought, sit in a peaceful and quiet place, relax and visualize any positive spiritual affirmation such as 'My mind is at peace now'. At the same time try to use simple words and sentences which can easily be interpreted by our mind and mind can easily accept it to be true.
Spiritual affirmations not only help to achieve a peaceful mind and happy life but also helps us draw closer to God. Remember God and His blessings as much as possible while utilizing the spiritual affirmation technique. For example "I let my renewed soul thank God for His blessings" or 'I release my old self and reborn with a new pure soul'. The most acceptable and commonly used word in spiritual affirmation is 'Amen' meaning 'so be it'. While some of us use it to conclude our prayer, it can be used for spiritual affirmation.
For a positive result spiritual affirmation needs to be repeated many times for effectiveness. Write down any positive thought you get maybe in a diary, on a piece of card or whichever way is convenient to you. Review them daily to get your mind to completely accept these thoughts. Preferably review them twice a day. Initially during spiritual affirmation technique we will also get negative thoughts. Note down these thoughts as well and at the end of the day review them and try replacing them with something more positive. Once you perform this spiritual affirmation technique on a regular basis you will find a positive change in yourself with a renewed spirit.
Robert Watson is a certified hypnotherapist with the ABH and the NGH, and has worked with affirmations and subliminal messages for over ten years. Visit his Subliminal Messages website for more information about using affirmations and subliminal messages to help you lose weight, quit smoking, have a more positive outlook and more.
Positive Thinking Affirmations For Women
by Deanna Collins
Changing your mindset is the single most powerful and important step you can take to change your life. The power of positive thinking has been studied by the psychiatric medical, scientific and spiritual community and they've all determined the same thing - positive thinking has power. Of course, changing the way you think is easier said than done. That's where positive affirmations become a very useful tool.
What Is a Positive Thinking Affirmation?
A positive affirmation is a statement you can use to replace a commonly held negative statement. For example, if you're always saying, "I feel fat," then a good positive affirmation to replace this sentiment might be, "I am comfortable with my body and am the perfect weight for me."
Positive affirmations help you change your thinking by giving you something to lean on. They help you stay aware of your thoughts, which is the first step to changing them.
Finding the Right Affirmations for You
The next step is to determine what your negative thoughts are and to replace them. Here is a great list of positive affirmations for women.
• My body heals quickly and easily
• I am the picture of good health
• The more grateful I am, the more reasons I find to be grateful
• I know that I deserve to be loved
• I give out love and it is returned to me tenfold
• I have a wonderful partner and we are both happy and at peace
• I am the perfect weight for me
• I make positive healthy choices for myself
• I express my needs and feelings
• I am my own unique self - special, creative and wonderful
• Everything comes to me easily and effortlessly
• I love and appreciate myself just as I am
• I accept all my feelings as part of myself
• I love doing my job
• I always communicate clearly and effectively
• It's okay for me to have everything I want
• I am getting wealthier each day
• I have an abundance of energy
• My mind is calm
• My thoughts are under my control
• I am successful in whatever I do
As you look through the list of potential positive affirmations, are any compelling? Do any of those affirmations ring true to you or cause a stir of emotion? The affirmations which resonate with you are good ones to start with. For example, if you've been struggling with your weight, spend some thing thinking about the negative self-talk you have around that issue and find a few positive affirmations which give you the strength and motivation to move through this challenge.
Affirmations are the first step toward changing your thoughts, however with any process; it takes time, practice, patience and a love and acceptance for yourself. Negative thoughts will slip in from time to time but as you practice, it will get easier. Trust yourself and the positive affirmation process. It will change your life.
Being positive truly has great power and the Gratitude Circle Blog can help you find those important positive affirmations for your daily life. While you're there, join the Gratitude Circle Gratitude Circle Newsletter, a newsletter and blog, full of inspiring stories, articles and tips for maintaining a happier, more fulfilling life.
Sunday, 2 August 2009
Step-by-Step Rich Thoughts - How to Use Positive Affirmations to Get the Results You Want
Firstly, identify whether you're dealing with a 'graze' or a deeper wound. By this I mean, whether you're trying to shift the energy around a deep-seated issue from the past, or something smaller from more recently. Having said this I always advocate a jolly good clean out, because you never know what might be lurking in there causing trouble!
So what are Step by Step Rich Thoughts? Well, imagine a staircase. It's pretty difficult to start at the bottom of the stairs and get to the top in one leap. It's much easier if you take it step by step and experience the learning each step gives you, because you can then integrate that learning and move on. Of course it's not impossible to make a huge leap up, but quite often you have to retrace your steps back down in order to learn the lesson that a step or two down brings you. So working with your Rich Thoughts step by step is a way I have formulated to make this whole process a lot easier. There are 6 stages, which I'll outline here, with a suggested Rich Thought that fits in with that stage.
1. RELEASING: I am willing to release the need to believe...(your old belief, eg that I can't be very successful). Releasing is essential. Often people find that they can answer yes to this statement very quickly.
2. BELIEVING: I am willing to believe...(that I am really successful). It would be nice to believe... I would like to believe... Again here you are just talking about being willing, nothing else.
3. HAVING FAITH: I have faith that I can be...(really successful). I'm open to having faith that... Faith is about placing this statement in a spiritual context, and once you have this context you can then move on to the next step. It's also about being willing to move forward even if you don't feel certain about what might come next.
4. TRUSTING: I now trust that I can be...(really successful). Trusting that I can be a ...(really successful person), I now do things that are in line with that. Trusting, following on from faith, is very similar to the step before but because you have chosen to bring in the spiritual context, you have that holding you while you trust. It is a subtle but important difference. This is letting go at a deeper level.
5. ALLOWING: I allow myself to be a ....(really successful person). (I'm willing to allow myself ...)
Give yourself permission - here you are inviting in the Universe to support you. This step is crucial, and is about opening the door to not only allow, but welcome in, the truth of the Rich Thought.
6. ACCEPTING: I am now a very successful person. This is the powerful truth you are now able to express, with no emotional attachment to it, it simply is. Using the word 'now' is important as it emphasizes the truth in the moment. It is possible that in another moment, this Rich Thought might not be true for you.
For each of these stages you might want to use the method of recording your responses.
Recording Responses
This is one of the most powerful and successful ways I know of using affirmations.
Take a piece of paper, divide it into 2 lengthwise, head up the left hand column with the title 'Rich Thought' and the right hand column with 'Response'. Now take the Rich Thought you want to work with, say 'I am a very successful person', and write that in the left hand column. Now notice your response to that statement (perhaps say it out loud to yourself) and write that down in the right hand column. Repeat this for at least ten times, noticing what happens with your response each time. If you work with these, writing them down say 10 times in the morning and again in the evening, you'll see your responses beginning to change - I can guarantee that.
Remember when you start that you're not supposed to believe the Rich Thought - if you did believe it, you wouldn't need to be doing affirmations! At this stage, you're simply being curious, no judgment, about what your responses are. It's quite possible that you'll uncover other beliefs or attitudes on this subject matter that you then choose to work with further. Alternatively, you will find that your responses come more and more in line with the Rich Thought itself, until you are at stage six, and feeling good!
Jane Rogers is a specialist business coach to solo professionals, particularly those in the healing professions. For more info on how you can use your mind's potential in your business, sign up at http://www.prosperitytools.co.uk for her free reports, "7 Steps to Thinking Rich", and "7 Biggest Business Mistakes Therapists and Coaches
Wednesday, 27 May 2009
Discover Positive Affirmations - Your Life Will Never Be The Same Again!
I was young and cynical back in those days. Then one day, my husband ordered some 'life changing positive thinking' cassette tapes by a wonderful man called Jim Rohn. I had to listen to them because my husband had them on 24/7, and guess what? I started to take on board some of things he was saying.
I'm not sure initially if this was consciously or subconsciously, but I started to look at myself and my life in a whole new light. My behaviour changed, which in turn changed the things that happened to me. It was amazing.
After I started to change my way of thinking, I became open to new and different ideas. I began to really believe in myself for the first time in my life. It was around this time that I got onto positive affirmations (another one of the many books my husband kept buying). I followed the simple steps laid out for me, and have continued this process until this day.
I know that I would not be the person I am today without my positive affirmations. I am a participant of life now, not just someone looking on from the sidelines.
If I could give anyone a piece of life changing advice it would be to use positive affirmations in your daily life. I will certainly be passing on the legacy to my own children, after all I want to give them the tools to live a rich and full life just like I have.
If you would like to try Positive Affirmations for yourself, we provide free tips and advice on how to get started. Just visit http://www.positiveaffirmations1.com/
Monday, 25 May 2009
Positive Affirmations
An affirmation is a phrase that depicts what you really want and is repeated over and over again either verbally, mentally or via the written word. You need to visualise the affirmation as you speak it, think it or write it. This gives a great deal of added power to the affirmation.
If you word your Positive Affirmations correctly, and put emotional feeling into them, you are able to tap into the most powerful source that guides you constantly, the subconscious mind. It is here that you will register and develop all your worldly desires.
To develop your own positive affirmations, there are a few simple techniques that you need to follow, in order to make the best and most effective affirmations possible. These are called 'Power' Affirmations.
Firstly, all affirmations have to be in the 'present' tense.
I am in the possession of.......
I have created.......
I love myself.......etc.
This creates an image in the subconscious mind that the event is happening 'now' and will speed up the process.
Affirmations also need to be expressed as a 'positive' not a 'negative'. For example 'I am no longer overweight' would be more effective as 'I have now reached my goal weight'. By affirming what you 'do' want rather than what you 'don't' want, the affirmation will be much more powerful which in turn will reinforce your goals.
Keep your positive affirmation statements short and to the point. It is a temptation to add lots of 'extras' just to make sure you don't miss anything out, but by streamlining your affirmation the subconscious mind will remain uncluttered by non essentials.
Repetition is the key. You want those positive affirmations imbedded into your subconscious mind.
Feel the affirmation as you say, think or write it. Imagine you are already in posession of what you desire.
It is important to practice your affirmations regularly. The more you do them, the sooner you will achieve your goals.
When you set your affirmations, you must ensure they feel 'right' to you personally. If you don't have this feeling, then you may need to re-look at the affirmation and re-word it until it 'fits' you.
Rinse and Repeat the process over and over. Keep your enthusiasm going as this is the catalyst that, alongside your positive affirmations, will fulfil all your worldly desires.