Wednesday 17 September 2008

Positive Affirmations Can Change Your Lifes Direction

Positive Affirmations Can Change Your Life's Direction.I used think why have positive affirmations how can they help you in your everyday life, what use are they.This wasn't until l started to read lots of books on successful people and the common theme was goal setting and creating positive words to tell your subconscious mind.

The late Joe Garbo wrote a book called the lazy mans way to riches and the first sentence in that great book was you can have anything in the world you want just by writing it down, that was a big statement to make but what you have got to remember Joe went bankrupt with debt up to $50.000 dollars and no way to pay them back until he meet up with a old friend who was using goal setting and positive affirmations to create wealth.

Joe thought he had nothing to loss so he started the process and things in his life started change straight away.I can talk from personal experience about goal setting and what impact it has had on my life and directions and decisions l have taken for the better.

Goal setting his the key to your financial freedom you can read a thousand positive thinking books but they all tell the same story so save your money l have read all the books on how to create wealth so take my word for it.

Watch the Great Napoleon Hill himself! The author of the Worlds greatest book 'Think and Grow Rich'