Monday, 28 January 2008

Positive Affirmations. The key to your Success?

Can Positive Affirmations really change your life and give you all the things you truly desire?

Yes they can! I'd like to tell you a short story. In fact it's my story! Many years ago, my wife and I had nothing. We struggled to get through financially and we were both very negative towards life itself. The glass was always half empty, never half full.

We muddled through life, living day to day, until one day a friend of ours lent us a copy of the book 'Think and Grow Rich'. I must admit at this time I hadn't read a book since I left school. I flicked through the pages and my interest heightened. I read that book from cover to cover. Then I read it again. I couldn't put it down.

This was the turning point in my life when I realised I could turn my life around by the way I thought and my attitude to life. I discovered the power of positive affirmations.

I became obsessed with self help books and tapes. I practiced positive affirmations on a daily basis. My firends and family thought I was taking happy pills. I saw life for what it really opportunity! Life is not to be treated lightly, you only get one shot at it, so why not give it all you've got.

My positive attitude rubbed off on many people. It's infectious, and the best thing is people are attracted to the naturally positive.

My wife and I set goals. Small ones to start with. We made a list of all the things we wanted and ticked them off one by one as we achieved them.
Finally we moved onto the one thing we always wanted to do. Pay our mortgage off. We did this in four years (bearing in mind, money was tight) and ever since we have grown financially and emotionally.

Through positive affirmations, we are now financially sound, have two wonderful children and live life to the full. We let no one bring us down with their negative attitudes.

The mind is a wonderful and POWERFUL tool. You can do anything you want to if you THINK you can. If you want something bad enough, you will find a way to get it. Believe in yourself, practice positive affirmations every day and you will become what you think about every day.

What makes rich people rich? They are driven by belief. They let nothing deter them in their quest to succeed. They just practice positive behaviour every day in everything they do. If they have a set back, they dust themselves off and get back up. They don't ever give up!

Watch the Great Napoleon Hill himself! The author of the Worlds greatest book 'Think and Grow Rich'