Wednesday, 20 June 2007

Set Goals To Achieve What You Really Want From Life!

One of the biggest problems that many people have with self-esteem stems from the fact that you don't get to see other people when they are by themselves.
Everyone has certain habbits that hold them back from fulfilling their dreams.
You might sit around wondering how to achieve goals, thinking that you are the only one who has problems with time management, being able to focus, or suffer lack of motivation. You aren't! Everyone has goals to achieve, and everyone has problems achieving them from time to time.
Even the most motivated, driven, and passionate person can fail to get done what they need to do! Stop kicking yourself and start realizing that you not by yourself, and take the first step towards learning how to achieve your goals.

You need to start with the basics before you even start thinking about methods used to achieve goals. The most important skill to learn is goal setting.
A lot of people make the mistake of coming up with the wrong goals to achieve. Don't become obsessed with what you think you should do instead of what you want to do. Some people get hung up on their body image simply because society has told them that everyone should look skinny and beautiful, but it's my opinion that beauty comes from within. As a starting point you need to learn to love the person you are first, and that will come through outwardly. Then you can work on the image you want to achieve with confidence.
Perhaps they set the wrong goals in terms of professional development because they want to please their parents. Whatever the problem, if you don't have the right goals to achieve, you will never be able to achieve them!
The most important thing you can learn about setting and achieving goals is that you have to be certain what it is that you actually want. If you're not exact about what it is you relly want, you won't do it well!

Of course, once you decided on the right life goals, you can get down to business. There are as many different systems for achieving your goals as there are goals to achieve. The question is what works for you. Some people work well with a lot of instruction. They might want a therapist, life coach, or even a friend and mentor who they can talk to about their goals.
Other people need a lot of structure, and should set out to organize and regiment every area of their life.
Still other people do well with gadgets and gizmos, and God knows that there are plenty of these on the market for anyone who wants help achieving goals! Personal organizers and alarms, fancy filing systems, and even self hypnosis devices can help you with any goal to achieve!

The most important fact however is to be exact on what you want when setting your goals.
Write them down! When something is written down it is more definite.
Look at your goals every day as a reminder of what the goals are that you want to achieve.
Break your goals down into manageable chunks. eg. Short term easy wins first! (When you start achieving the easy goals first, you will feel more motivated to go for the long term goals that you have set yourself).
Don't get sidetracked from your mission. Eat, sleep and breath your goals and your mindset alone will attract the positive feed that you need to fulfill your goals!

Watch the Great Napoleon Hill himself! The author of the Worlds greatest book 'Think and Grow Rich'