Sunday, 16 October 2011

Positive Thinking Quotes

Positive Thinking Quotes

Positive Thinking Quotes
By Ian K Lewis

Positive thinking quotes are ideal sources for inspiration and courage in your personal life. When you read them, you not only feed your mind with positive energy, but you also grab nuggets of wisdom from the greatest men and women who ever lived. For almost any situation, you'll find that there is always an appropriate saying, adage or quotation for your benefit. When you collect positive thinking quotes, it's like building your own personal library of motivating thoughts. You may not be able to read and digest all the quotes in one sitting, but you can always refer to them when you're feeling down and needing an emotional boost.

Collecting positive thinking quotes takes some focus and mental alertness at first. But when you are truly in search of positive ideas, you will discover that the world we live in is full of encouraging thoughts. Therefore, you must always be aware of the world around you. Make an effort to take mental note of positive sayings you hear in your daily life. If possible, write down motivational quotes when you hear them being spoken by someone, or when you see them in print. This kind of mental alertness and openness to positive ideas will train your senses to filter negative thoughts. It will allow you to erase feelings of low self esteem and replace your mindset with a positive outlook.

A relatively easier way to gain access to positive thinking quotes is to get yourself a good quotation reference book. These types of books are available in almost every major bookstore, and contain compilations of popular, proven and time tested sayings. A lot of these books have the quotations arranged systematically in various categories such as theme and author name. Thus, using a quotation reference book allows you to easily find the perfect quote that fits your unique situation. It's also a good way to add spice to your communication skills. For example, if you're aspiring to become an effective public speaker, you can use positive quotes to inspire your audience and finish your speeches on a high note.

When reading positive thinking quotes, don't just skim through them and finish them in a hurry. The power of positive quotes is not in the words used, but in how you comprehend those words and assimilate them into your subconscious. Your mind will benefit more if you take time to internalize positive ideas. If possible, learn and discover the background story behind every quotation. This will add more meaning to the nuggets of motivation you are reading. For example, a lot of people are familiar with the saying, "I can't accept failure without trying". But if you're aware that the person who originally said those words is Michael Jordan, and you're fully aware of the challenges and circumstances that he faced in his career, the quotation would have a deeper meaning to you. That's why it's important to read quotes and sayings intently, in between the lines.

Acquiring and sustaining a positive mindset is a lifelong task that requires focus and persistence, but it will reward you with happiness, peace of mind, and the fulfillment of your goals in life. If you make it a habit to extract juices of positive ideas around you, your thoughts will constantly improve for the better. Make a consistent effort to eliminate negativity from your thoughts. Change your mindset: because by doing so, you also change your destiny.

To view a FREE Video which shows you how to quickly and easily destroy negative thinking patterns and become more confident and powerful overnight,

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Heartbreak Quotes to Get Over Sad Love

Heartbreak Quotes to Get Over Sad Love

Heartbreak Quotes to Get Over Sad Love
By George Nester

Living with heartbreak after the love has gone is not easy; however reading heartbreak quotes can help you to get this phase sooner and get back to the right track. For instance this sad love quote: "Sometimes the memories are worth the pain." You can learn a lot from those few words.

The first lesson is that a relationship is something valuable, so important that it affects us in few ways: we have good memories about it; it worth the sadness in the end and finally it is something that we all look for. The second point of view is happy love versus sad love. When the relationship has started the person who wrote this heartbreak quote was very happy and thought it will last forever. However in the end he realized that he was wrong and it didn't last as much as he wanted. Still there is also an optimistic point of view because the end of one relationship is an opportunity for a new friendship.

Another example of heartbreak quotes is: "You take the sun light out of my day, Now all I'm left with is skies covered in gray clouds." In this example we have colors metaphors a person's day light is always depended on his friend, and when the friendship has turned into a sad love then all he sees is morbid gray colors.

To conclude you can always see a deep meaning in those quotes, but you have to remember that even they look depressing at first, after you take the time to think about the deep meaning and metaphors you can see that those quotes can also be very optimistic. Sometimes the difference between happy moods and sad feelings are only in our point of view. With a little creativity you can always take disadvantage and turn it to a big advantage.

Enjoy reading beautiful Sad Love Quotes and Heartbreak Quotes [] for broken heart.

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Funny Love Quotes Are One of The Best Ways to Lighten Stress

Funny Love Quotes Are One of The Best Ways to Lighten Stress

Funny Love Quotes Are One of The Best Ways to Lighten Stress
By Mary Thomson

Funny quotes are an excellent way of expressing your love for your beloved and at the same time relieving the stress of daily living. Presenting your beloved with funny quotes will help create memorable moments in your life. Sharing these sorts of quotes you can enjoy the lighter moments in life particularly if it is a party that you are attending with some of your closest friends.

The latest trend is to share funny quotes with friends via email through the internet especially if you are working away from home and your loved ones it is interesting to share quotes when you are staying connected to friends and family through social networking sites like the Facebook, Twitter or Orkut.

Sentiments and feeling play a rather significant role in your lives, so no matter whether you are at work or at play take precious moments off to share funny love quotes with your beloved. Send your partner or special friend SMS through the mobile to let him/her know how you feel about them.

Today most youngsters and especially those who are in love know what it means to send love quotes and funny quotes to their friends. These quotes do not necessarily have to always be mushy, and in fact they do not need to be quotes either, it's just that the fact that you care that is important.

There are times that you feel that sending quotes created by other people are not really what you should be sending to your beloved, but you will find that while going through some of them they convey exactly what you feel for your friend and are tempted to send it to them. Whichever way you look at it you will find that love quotes and love poems have made quite an indelible impression on the minds of both men and women alike in spite of the fact that they take a knock on the man or the woman in them.

You can search on the net to find Funny Love Quotes. Visit our website to find some good Funny Love Quotes

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Meaningful Quotes

Meaningful Quotes

Meaningful Quotes
By Anton Lowenthal

For a quote to be meaningful, it has to go beyond being merely clever and point to deeper truths about existence. The same goes for meaningful quotes about love- they have to be more than just some superficial commentary on the usually short-lived pangs of the lust of new romantic love. The quote "If loving you is wrong, I don't want to be right" is not much more than a pop reference to that queasy feeling associated with new love or abusive/ dependent relationships. Contrast this to some of Thich Nhat Hahn's quotes about tending to loved ones as one would lettuce, doing what's necessary to help make it grow. It points to the truth that love is not about having sex with someone, but understanding.

Betty Smith had some wisdom to share when she said to "Look at everything as though you were seeing it either for the first or last time. Then your time on earth will be filled with glory." How many things in our life do we take for granted- how many people? If the quote "familiarity breeds contempt" applies to you, perhaps you should take the advice of Betty. Because nothing is ever the same from moment to moment- that's the nature of reality. You might as well live in it.

I like short meaningful quotes because they're easy to remember, and can be used to get a point across without coming off as pretentious or silly. I've found that the phrase "Use it or lose it" applies to many things in life, from foreign languages we've learned to skills like writing, singing, or playing sports. Ruth Gordon had a more positive, proactive way of putting it. She said that "Courage is like a muscle. We strengthen it with use." While she was talking about mustering up the courage to take on a challenge or face things that make us uneasy, the idea of strengthening things with use is right on, and something to remember if there's something about yourself that you would like to change for the better.

Another one of our famous meaningful quotes comes from Mary Tyler Moore, related to Ruth Gordon's, says that "You can't be brave if you've only had wonderful things happen to you." This is a great truth, especially good for those people who have had to deal with a lot of trials and tribulations in their lives. It is well put by the great Bruce Lee, who has one of the best meaningful quotes of all time that goes "Ask not for a life that is easy, ask for the strength to deal with a hard life".

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Cute Life Quotes to Make You Smile

Cute Life Quotes to Make You Smile

Cute Life Quotes to Make You Smile
By Manish Kapoor

Charlie Chaplin once said, "A day without smile is a day wasted." A simple act of smiling can kick all your worries and tensions far out of your life. Yet, in the fast paced days we live in, it could be quite difficult for us to stay smiled, ecstatic and happy. Work deadlines, personal relationship demands, social issues, money problem, conflicts, pressure from family members and colleagues are some of the reasons that cause stress and stops us from living the life of abundance.

Good thing is we have cute life quotes to help us survive in this extremely toxic and turbulent environment. One thing that these quotes are best at doing is to make you smile. And once you smiled, all your enthusiasm and confidence will be greatly increased and you feel more energetic, relaxed and optimistic.

Many studies have proved that smile is best cure to depression. Smiling out loud for 10 minutes regularly can help you become healthy person both physically and mentally. So laugh away your worries and enjoy life to fullest. The Cute Life Quotes, I've gathered below from the likes of Will Rogers, Robert Frost, and other famous personalities will definitely bring smile to your and your family faces.

"Everything is funny as long as it is happening to somebody else." Will Rogers

"I'm not afraid to die. I just don't want to be there when it happens." Woody Allen

"Life is a great big canvas, and you should throw all the paint on it you can." Danny Kaye

"Always forgive your enemies. Nothing annoys them so much."

If you form a habit of studying cute life quotes regularly, soon you begin to realize the true meaning of life which is to enjoy every moment of life to your heart's content. As Horace observed, "Rejoice while you are alive, enjoy the day, live life to fullest; make the most of what you have. It is later then you think."

Check out my website for more Cute Quotes life and Famous Family quotes.

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Saturday, 1 October 2011

Using Positive Affirmations And The Power of Intention

Using Positive Affirmations And The Power of Intention
ByJeremy Winters

If you have heard that positive affirmations can change your life for the better, you are more than likely quite intrigued by the possibilities that exist. You can use the power of the law of attraction to bring more money to yourself. You can use it to help attract love, and you can use it to expand your knowledge of how the universe works to a level you may have never thought imaginable. Here are some tips for putting the law of attraction to use within your own life.

The Power of Intention

Intention is a powerful tool for creating the best life possible for yourself and your loved ones. If you have ever used heartfelt prayer to ask for what you need or to seek peace, then you have used the power of intention. When you combine emotion, intent, and belief, you place yourself in a position to receive all the wonderful things that life has in store for you.

Positive Affirmations
Combine With Intention To Manifest Change

No matter what you desire, it is important that you frame your affirmations in a completely positive manner, so that you can make your intentions as strong as possible. By doing this, you open yourself to the wealth of the universe. Through the power of intention combined with the affirmations you use, you truly can manifest all kinds of changes in your life.

It is important to realize that all things exist in some form. The money you need is out there. The perfect person you wish you could spend your whole life with is somewhere, just waiting to meet you. The tools you need for learning exist, and so do the people you need to meet. When you stop to think about this, it makes the idea of lack seem utterly preposterous.

In order to use affirmations properly, it is important to know what you want. Spend some time thinking about your desires and work on framing your affirmative statements in a manner that will be most powerful. Do not use any negating statements that talk about what you do not wish to have. Think and speak in completely positive terms.

Once you have framed your affirmative statement, it is time to put it into action. Think, feel, and speak your intention. Here are some of the best ways to do this:

"All the good in the universe is mine."

"I have everything I need, and I am completely grateful for all I have."

"I am more happy than I have ever been, especially now that (fill in your desire here.)"

As you use the positive affirmations that you come up with, picture yourself enjoying whatever it is that you require. Feel yourself enjoying what you have, and believe it is on its way to you. Soon enough, you'll see changes large and small making their way into your life.

Are you looking for []self improvement ideas that can change your life? Be sure to visit my site for []weight loss affirmations and help in improving self confidence.

Article Source: [] Using Positive Affirmations And The Power of Intention

Watch the Great Napoleon Hill himself! The author of the Worlds greatest book 'Think and Grow Rich'