Sunday, 29 June 2008

Mind Power - Master Your Mind, Master Your Destiny

Mind Power - Master Your Mind, Master Your Destiny
By []Joel Chue

The secret to have what you want with the Law of Attraction is to learn to master your thought process. Negative thoughts produce as much vibrations and energy as positive thoughts.

Thinking about your fears and saying "I don't want that" is probably going to result in your fears being realized. Cosmic energy is literal. It doesn't understand "I don't want".

By the Law of Attraction, energy and vibration is translated into results. So if you're giving out more negative energy and vibrations than positive ones, you're going to attract the unpleasant events into your life.

Training your mind to concentrate on the positive instead of the negative is a necessary, but often difficult process. People are worriers.

We are hardwired to remember and avoid the dangers of life. Yet, being aware of our fears and letting them control our thoughts are two different things. We have the power to consciously turn negative thoughts into positive ones.

Your thoughts are yours. They can be your faithful servants or your masters. Which ever you allow them to be. You have the control, you make your choice. You determine which course your thoughts take.

Learning to control your thoughts can be done by learning to control your will. By mastering yourself. Phrases like "I am master of my self" can lead you in the right direction.

By reaffirming yourself with positive affirmations on a daily basis or at times of doubt and fear, you shift your focus from the negative to the positive. This allows the positive energy to continue to flow, leaving no room for the negative energy to manifest!

Discover The Powers of the Mind! Visit the []Mind Power Blog.

And Grab Our Excellent Free Report []Subconscious Mind Power Hacks!

Article Source:,-Master-Your-Destiny&id=1275095

Friday, 27 June 2008

Positive Quotes and Affirmations

Positive Quotes and Affirmations
By []Luke Blaise

Using positive quotes and affirmations can be a powerful addition to any self improvement program. There are numerous studies showing how powerful these techniques can be. So why aren’t you doing them?

Why do positive quotes and affirmations work so well? Well for most adults the overwhelming majority of our thoughts are negative. We didn’t always have such negative thoughts, as children we mostly had positive thoughts. Look at the children you know, the majority are happy and have positive thoughts, while the majority of adults we know have negative thoughts.

This is why positive quotes and affirmations can be so powerful in our lives. They give us the positive thoughts that we need to take our lives to the next level. By constantly telling ourselves great things and reminding ourselves about what we want to accomplish it is like we have a map leading directly to our goals.

If you aren’t using positive quotes and affirmations daily to improve your life and help you accomplish your goals, start today. Come up with some quotes and affirmations that inspire you and repeat them three times everyday to your self, until you accomplish what you want.

By incorporating positive quotes and affirmations into your self improvement program you can make achieving your goals more automatic. How? Habits are formed usually after 21 consecutive days of doing something. So if you can just keep this part of your program up for 21 days you will be automatically reminding yourself everyday about what and why you want to accomplish your goals.

When you are ready to take your life seriously: []Fierce Personal Development []Visit my blog and sign up for my newsletter, full of great easy tips to take your life to the next level.

Article Source:
Lacking Confidence - Self-Worth Or Self Respect? No Self-Esteem?
By []Bruno Logreco

How many times in your life have you been talked to about self-esteem? In school, at work, by your friends, by your family - self-esteem is the panacea that can cure many of life's problems but when you have issues with your self-esteem all those speeches from those closest to you can serve only to compound the problems you are having and make you feel even more inferior.

The first step, rather than saying 'I have low self-esteem and need to combat it' is to truly understand your mindset and what that low self esteem does in your life. Self-esteem is more than a buzzword thrown around by counselors - it is a way of being, of thinking and acting. Self esteem is how you accept, trust, and believe in yourself. When you accept yourself, you learn to live comfortably with your personal strengths and weaknesses regardless and outside of any criticism you receive.

This means first of all that you view yourself independently of how others view you. Instead of worrying about assimilating with a static world view, you value your uniqueness in the world and start respecting yourself in the same way you would anyone around you. There is no reason to treat other people better than you treat yourself and that is the core to building self worth.

You must understand how to trust in your beliefs and behaviors, knowing that your feelings are correct and that when they are consistent enough, you can bring inner peace to your life despite the external noise and judgments that constantly inundate you from all around. You must believe not only that you can succeed but that you deserve to succeed as much as anyone around you. Many people, when they suffer from self-esteem have a misguided belief that they do not deserve to be successful or happy in life. This kind of fallacy is not only unhealthy to your self-esteem, it can throw your mind into chaos and keep you from ever achieving any sense of peace.

Sourcing Low Self-Esteem

First, you must understand where low self-esteem comes from. There are multiple sources, all creating a sense of emptiness that can lead to depression, anxiety, and a lack of control. Instead of searching inside, individuals with low self esteem grasp at external things and voices to fill that void, never actually finding a solution - only finding temporary external validation that can flee at any moment. This type of behavior can also lead to an addictive personality that relies on drugs and alcohol to cloud over that need. Under the influence of these mood altering substances, individuals with low self esteem can more readily accept themselves, but the effect is only temporary until their inhibitions and the truth of their situation comes rushing back.

Depression, hopelessness and stagnation all develop due to low self esteem, killing any vision or dreams an individual may have, making that individual a victim of their environment in a way that is insurmountable when environmental noise reaches a certain point.

Sourcing High Self-Esteem

Those with high self-esteem have a completely different outlook on life, feeling good about themselves and about life in general. They find tasks easier and are more resourceful when attempting to complete a task because they know they can succeed, even while stretching outside of their comfort zone. This willingness to think outside the box makes these individuals more creative, more powerful, and more capable of making life choices while accepting the challenges that lie just around the corner. They are calmer inside and yet more confident that they can make changes in their lives and succeed in doing so.

Self-Esteem is the quintessential starting point for any form of success in life. Those with high self esteem and a positive self image are able to realize their potential and live their dreams out in a way that they never could have before. They more readily find balance in their life throughout all five pillars and ultimately synchronization with the universe and harmony in their mind, body, and soul.

Do you have a desire to []improve your self-worth, your self-respect and your confidence? Master []Life Coach, Toronto native Bruno LoGreco will provide the support you require as you learn and develop your self-esteem.

Article Source:

Tuesday, 24 June 2008

Success Thinking and Actions

By Gerard Wong

For most people, success means possession of wealth, prestige or status. By these criteria alone, the majority of us would not qualify. Yet the truth is that success is really a subjective perception. In other words, it is all in the mind. If one thinks one is successful, that perception is valid by one's own reckoning.

The fact is that no-one is perfect and no-one can do everything well. It is sufficient that each one of us does our best. Within the individual limitations or constraints that each one of us finds ourselves; and to the extent of our knowledge, capabilities and skills; when we do our best, we have indeed achieved success.

This approach is what I like to call success thinking supported by appropriate actions. It combines positive thinking with reality, and espouses practical methods of achieving success in a progressive, comfortable way. So there is no hype, no magic formula, and no instant solutions.

There is real work involved to achieve individual success targets whether these be lofty ambitions or something as simple as cooking a good meal. No matter what the goal, everything has to begin with the right thinking because this is a prerequisite to the right behaviors and actions to actually bring about the right outcomes.

The exciting thing about the human potential is that we can all continue to learn to be better in our chosen activities. This allows us all to achieve increasing levels of success as our thinking improves and our actions help us go beyond original targets and set higher ones.

I hope these reflections can encourage those who may be struggling in their lives to believe that solutions exist for all problems and that these can be discovered with the right thinking and mindset. The solutions then point to actions that must be taken. If we follow this path with our best efforts, we can be sure that we can achieve the success we have defined for ourselves.

Gerard Wong and his wife run a website focusing on success thinking and actions. It is dedicated to stimulate and encourage the development of practical and creative thinking strategies that can lead to personal success as defined by the individual. If you find this article interesting, please visit the website and get a free ebook when you subscribe to their newsletter.

Article Source:

Monday, 23 June 2008

Positive Thinking & Self Talk Tactics Revealed review

Here is a new book just launched on Positive Thinking & Self Talk Tactics Revealed.This book covers a lot of areas on how to become a positive thinker.Which will allow you to boost your self esteem and confidence within yourself the main theme of the book in my opinion will cover goal setting,positive affirmations and all areas that will allow you to build confidence in your self.l haven't read the book my self but it looks a good read if you would like to take a look for yourself click the link Click Here! ">">positive thinking & self talk tactics revealed.

Thursday, 19 June 2008

Positive Affirmations Changed My Life

Positive Affirmations Changed My Life.When l started to use positive affirmations in my life it started by visualising what l want to have and l used positive affirmation to comunicate my goals to the subconious mind.If you were to ask me how it works this would be very hard to say but l can say it does work if you apply action to your positive affirmations here his a video on positive affirmations quotes hope you like it positive affirmations for wealth

Wednesday, 18 June 2008

Jim rohn Turned My Life Around You can See Results Like This If you Follow Jim;s Simple Techniques

Jim rohn Turned My Life Around You can Has Well If you Follow Jim;s Simple Techniques.Many year's ago l was in debt not much of a future at that time in my life sort of at the cross roads of life.

My wife and l were strolling through the mall when we came across a stand with personal development tapes there was one set of tapes that caught my eye and they were by a speaker call jim rohn l had no idea who he was.We disscussed buying the tapes which were a $100 dollars at that time this was a lot of bucks for us to pay out but we did and the rest his history.

We started to listen to the tapes on the way home and the first tape got me hooked jim says that at the age of 19 to 25 he had pennies in his pocket creditor's calling and by the age of 31 he was a millionaire what did he do tobe come a millionaire in such a short time when l herd his secret l started to work on becoming a millionaire and the simple formula is change the way you think here his one of jim's video's l hope you find it helpful to your own success like l did.

Sunday, 15 June 2008

Antony Robbins Motivational speaker gives all

Antony Robbins Motivational speaker gives all.l have been a great fan of tony robbins for many years tony his one of the best speakers around today .l bought tony robbins cd on the edge they are a must buy if you want to turn your life around.The information his worth thousands of dollars if you had to research it for yourself.Here is a video of tony robbins being interviewed l hope you like it

Thursday, 12 June 2008

The Greatest Secret His The Law Of Attraction.

The Greatest Secret His The Law Of Attraction.In his book the greateat secret Earl Nightengale talks about all the things that make people fail in life.And the main one his what we think about all day long most people think poverty and not wealth l have found a video earl nightengale explaining his simple technique,s l hope you find it use full.

Watch the Great Napoleon Hill himself! The author of the Worlds greatest book 'Think and Grow Rich'